Chapter 31

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Louise’s Pov

“Oh my God, how are you?” I squeal as he releases me from his arms, geez! I can’t believe he’s already here!

“I’m great, I miss you.” He mutters and he held my arms.

He missed me?; I felt my heart did a major backflip, what the hell is happening to me? This, weird.

“I missed you too,” I half-smile

I saw Ash rolled her eyes, what is her problem again? Is she on her period?

“Do you want me to go with you guys? Or you want me to leave you alone so you could have a date?” Ashlyn cocks an eyebrow. What the hell is she saying? I shot her a look.

“You know what, let’s just go now.” I mutter, gesturing that I’m ready to go.

Drake chuckles,

“You’re being dramatic,” Drake tells her as he taps her head like a dog. I’m so glad we’re finally reaunited!

“Stop it! You’re annoying me!” Ashlyn groans and playfully punches him, I laugh.

“You need to gt going now, the rain is coming.” Aunt Laura reminds us, and we nodded.

Whilst Ash and Drake were fighting, I approach Aunt Laura and Mom and gave them a good bye hug and kiss, telling them that we’re going now.

“Drake, take care of our girls okay?” My mom mutters, Drake gives her his polite smile.

“I defiantly will, we’re going now.” He tells them and we exchange our good byes.

After an hour of noisy ride, we arrived at the mall. We decided to see a move and have dinner, absolutely his treat! Oh thank God its Monday so the mall isn’t crowded.

“What are we going to watch?” Ash asks as we stop to see the list of the movies.

“Horror?” I suggest, they shot me a look. What?

“Seriously? You? You’ve got to be kidding me,” Ash chuckles and disbelief is clear on her voice.

She knows me too well, I’m not fond watching horror movies because it scares the shit out of me, I remember everytime we watch horror films, I end up crying. I don’t know? I’m really scared and it’s been a long time since I seen one, let’s see if I can handle to watch one right now.

“Why? It’s been a long time though,” I mutter

“Uhh, comedy?” Drake suggests

“How about love story?” Ash beams, I slowly non in agreement.

“Okay then, let’s watch ‘No strings attached’” Drake pointed

Not bad, but that movie have lots of bed scenes right? I saw its trailer and it does! However, the story is amazing, I read the sypnosis its really int’resting. I wonder, how does that kind of concept works out?

“Let’s buy some tickets!” Ash who’s excited as ever and drag both of us to the ticket booth.

As we walk towards the desk, Drake bought 3 tickets (of course). The lady told us that the next picture will be 3:25 pm, so we still have 15 minutes to get some foods.

We bought large popcorns and drinks and went straight to cinema, its freezing in here! I’m so stupid I forgot my jacket and I’m only wearing shorts, ugh!

As we reach inside, we chose the perfect seats which is the center, not too close and not too far from the large screen. Drake took a seat between us.

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