Chapter 47

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Song for this chapter:
Falling Fast- Avril Lavigne

Niall's Pov


I'm on my way to the bar to meet the boys, I just brought Louise back to her cabin because she was tired. I still want her to be with me but she needs to rest. So I insist.

After a minute of walk, I saw them drinking and laughing inside, I smirk.

"Hey! What took you so long?" Harry frowns, his cheeks are flushed. He's toxicated by alcohol.

"I just walked you idiot," I tell him and gulp the half of the liquor in the glass infront of me.

"Where is she?" Ashlyn asks, she's sitting beside Harry, her head is resting on his shoulder.

They were obviously drunk.

"She wants some rest." I said and watch the girls outside dancing with fire.

"Anyways, congratulations to the both of you!" Ash cheers as she interrupts me

I smile,

I'm glad that they're happy for us, except Drake who caught my attention just now. Whilst we're all celebrating for Louise and I, he's here drowning himself in alcohol, being a retarded emo. I'm annoyed as hell by his presence, it's so obvious that he's not happy for us. He's not even talking, he's just here to get drunk.

I watch him as he swirls the alcohol on his hands, he's so fucking annoying.

"Thanks," I force a smile

"I wish you both luck and happiness!" Zayn yells

"Cheers!" They said in chorus and bump their glasses to each other, I ket the warm thick liquid travel down my throat causing me to groan.

As much to my surprise, Drake stands up, he's staring at me. His eyes were dark and its locked on me. I raise my brows at him-

"What?" I ask annoyingly and finish another glass, the boys went silent as they watch us.

Fuck, I don't want to catch everybody's attention.

"Let's talk outside-" He tells me, I click my tongue in annoyance.

I didn't respond but I stand on my feet and started to walk outside leaving him.

And he follows.

I stop walking when we reached the rocks where I kissed Louise and where I ask her to be my own girl.

The thought of that makes me calm-

"Now what?" I started

"Do you know why I came back here?" He asks me, full of hurt in his voice.

I laugh sarcastically, what the fuck is he saying?

"I don't give a fuck," I spit, then he laughs.

"I came here because I want to get what I really want for a long time ago," He still continue whilst I'm looking away

I chew my buttom lip in defeat as I listen to him. He's fucking broke as fuck, even he's annoying as hell I will listen, not because I'm interested but it's because I have no choice.

What does he wants? It has nothing to do with me!

I lean on the rock, and stood silent.

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