chapter 28

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"Why not!?" He pouted taking a seat next to me.

"Because you don't have to... you're not the father... you can't spend your time with him when you have more important things to deal with... you don't have to do this just because we're dating okay?" I grunted looking down at zach who let a squeal.

"But i want too, i mean look at him he's cute and since he's the man of the house, i need to get his approval for dating his mommy" he joked laughing but i shook my head.

"Shawn I'm not joking, i don't want you to carry this responsiblity. It was my mistake, you don't have to be involved in it" i reasoned huffing, this conversation was making me so nervous, but my anger was rewarded with a warm smile.

"I get it, he's your son. I'm not trying to be a control freak and take over your life. I'm just saying you don't have to do this alone when things gets hard I'll be there to help you. I know I'm not experienced in parenting but you can teach me... The point is I love you so much and i promise I'll take care of you and protect you two at all cost" he said squeezing my hand.

I smiled as i felt my eyes getting teary. I mean his intentions are pretty sweet and i could use a man by my side as much as zach needs a father in his life.

"Okay I'll allow it... on one condition" i smirked wickedly even though i already made up my mind i wanted him to earn this position. He gulped nervously nodding his head for me to continue.

"To complete this test you're gonna have to eat one whole tomato" i said smugly.

"No fucking way!" His eyes widened shaking his head as i shrugged my shoulder indifferent.

"Too bad you'd have made a good dad" i tsked sighing faintly.

"Give me this this evil bitch" he growled. I smikred heading to the refrigerator where i prepared a bowl of sliced tomatoes for my usual dinner but couldn't eat it due to last night's incident.

"It's like they're waiting for you" i smirked waving the bowl in front of his face as i recieved a glare.

He took a deep breath grabbing a fork "dear tongue and stomach i truly apologize for dating a manipulative devilish bitch" he groaned before taking a bite.

He gagged couhing really hard as he struggled to swallow the first tiny piece. I almost felt bad for him but his disgusted reactions were priceless, i couldn't stop laughing.

"I thought after a whole year, you would have find a sain brain..." i teased smirking.

"Shut up" he replied dryly clearly unamused.

I laughed hysterically as zach joined me getting the funny joke. After he swallowed the last bite, he sighed gratefully as he poured a glass of water and gulped it in one swift move.

"That was disgusting, in my entire life i never thought I'd be forced to commit such a big horrible sacrifice" he placed his hand over his heart dramatically.

"Anyway... congratulation, welcome to the family" i grabbed zach's tiny hand to help him clap while he giggled.

"Okay zach meet your new daddy" i cooed kissing his cheek.

I expended my arms forward to hand him to shawn since he probably want to celebrate with him. But he pulled away in fear. "I'm afraid to hold a baby..." he confessed a hint of pink tinted his cheek.

"You never held a baby seriously?" I gasped as he nodded his head in embarrassment.

"How are you supposed to be a father if you can't hold him... don't worry it's easy I'll teach you" i smiled motioning my hand for him to come closer.

'Til next year ||Shawn Mendes||Where stories live. Discover now