chapter 13

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Ooh the big day has finally come...🤩

"Ellie! Come on! Get up!" Olivia jumped on the bed shaking me forcely.

"Leave me alone! It's still too early!" I complained throwing the pillow into her face as i hid under the sheets.

"It's noon baby" she laughed and started poking me through the covers.

"You bitch stop!" i screamed but my protest went unheard as she sneaked her fingers to my waist and started tickling me.

I bursted laughing trying to push her away, but my struggles went in vain since she was way stronger than me.

"Okay... okay... I'll get up... just sto... can't breathe..." i choked a laugh.

"Good we are fully booked today!" She replied seriously getting up from above me.

I took a few deep breathe to calm myself and steady my heartbeat before i spoke up again. "What's so important today anyway?" I asked dumbfully but i was smirking all over inside.

I knew exactly what's going but i just wanted to provoke her. Mission worked, she gave me the crazy eye.

"You bitch know what it is." She glared at me making me laugh, i can't imagine how easy it is to drive her mad especially when it comes to her prince charming... well now my prince.

"if you don't stop laughing, I'll tickle you again. And this time i won't have mercy on you" she warned as i threw my hands in the air innocently.

"Why are you so excited anyway? You already met shawn AND hang out with him. So i don't understand" i asked yawning sitting up as swung my legs off the bed. And i was instantly rewarded with a smack on the back of my head.

"Seriously!? I can't believe you just asked that. I mean meeting him was the best moment of my entire life but attending his concert is on another level" she laid on her bed streching her arms slowly.

"It's just when i hear him sing on my phone and close my eyes it feels like I'm taken to dream land, imagine hearing him on stage performing surrounded by thousands of fans singing along" she sighed in pleasure.

"Earth to olivia" i waved my hand in front of face snapping her out of her daydream.

"i think you're over exaggerating" i giggled but she shaked her vigorously at me in denial.

"You'll see when we get there, it's a  feeling you've never experienced in your entire life" she replied with confidence.

"How do you know this? You've never attended a concert before" i replied sassily raising my eyebrow.

"Yes i did, i attended our final school musical... it counts" she defended in annoyance crossing her arms over her chest.

"No it doesn't. I don't think princess in the jungle is considered worthy to be called a concert nonetheless trashy and awful" i shrugged my shoulders.

"Excuse me!? I was playing the lead princess" she exclaimed.

"I know, why do you think it was awful?" I smirked provoking her more.

"shut up and go get ready" she pushed me towards the bathroom. I glanced up at the clock, it was still 1:00. "Doesn't the concert start at 6:00? it still is too early" i asked confused.

"Brian and the others invited us for lunch. Afterwards they'll take us to the concert" she explained as i nodded.

I entered the bathroom taking off my clothes to shower when my phone buzzed inside my robe's pocket. I pulled it out checking a recent message from shawn.

-Good morning princess! Sorry i won't be accompanying you for lunch, i have to stay there for voice checkups and final rehearsals :(

•Good morning, It's okay baby I'll  see you there.

-So are you excited for tonight?

•Definitely can't wait to see you perform. What are you doing now?

-Andrew and i are in the car on our way to the concert's location:|, how about you?

•Oh I'm just standing naked in my bathroom so i can take a shower:)

-Fuck %\:#;%, you can't imagine how bad i wannna be with you right now :( I'm so hard just with the thought of you naked

•Hahaha enjoy your afternoon then ;)

-That's what i get for talking to you, i hate you

•Goodbye:p xoxo

After the shower, i brushed my hair into two french braids applying some light make up. I decided to go with a high waisted white shorts and a shoulder off red crop top. I put on my white sneakers before walking out with olivia to the lobby.

Brian, connor and Geoff were already waiting for us. We hopped in the car turning up the radio as we sang at the top of our lungs the whole way to the restaurant.

We had a blast, his friends were so entertaining and funny how they annoyed each other on purpose giving us quite a show to laugh at while eating.

"...After she fell on stage in front of the entire school..." olivia told everyone who bursted laughing including me because honestly it was a funny incident.

"That was a funny day yet the worse as well..." i mumbled chuckling.

"What do you mean?" Connor asked curiously.

"Um it's complicated..." i mumbled.

"She had her first panic attack..." olivia cut me.

"After the show, her parents yelled at her for embarrassing them, then suddenly she struggled to breath and fainted. She stayed in the hospital tor two days. Since that day these panic attacks became a habit for her, anything that triggered her would immediately explode her anxiety" she quickly babbled as everyone sent a sad glance.

"you're a deep source of information today aren't you?" I replied sarcastically.

"That something you have in common with shawn..." brian pointed out but quickly bit his lips once he heard the words slip out of his mouth.

"WHAT!?" Olivia and i exclaimed in union.
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