chapter 19

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I'm back!😏❤ sorry for keeping you waiting but I'm sure it will be worth it...

One year later

"Olivia turn down the music please!" I yelled from the kitchen where i was making dinner.

"Zach is sleeping" i continued cursing as i cut the edge of my finger with the knife. I ran under cool water before placing a bandage on it to cut the bleeding.

I grabbed the freshly cut vegetables and threw them into the boiling water "Thank you" i shouted back once the music faded away.

"Don't you think that your loud yells could wake him up?" She retorted walking inside the room.

"Listen you can see I'm not in the mood to hear your snarky comments..." i waved my finger warily in front of her face.

"Yeah i know you're seeing your baby boy today aren't you?" She teased wiggling her eyebrows eagerly.

"Please don't make this a big deal..." i mumbled even though i was screming like a crazy teen from inside.

"Oh come on, it's been a whole fucking year since you last talked and saw him, aren't you even a little bit excited?" She raised her eyebrows skeptically.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! I can't wait!" I squealed grabbing her arm tightly as we did a little happy dance.

We must have been too loud because we were interrupted by a shreik coming from my bedroom. I let go of olivia groaning as i rushied into the room. I found the four month old boy screaming at the top of his lungs, his tiny already getting red.

"Ugh come here baby" i cooed scooping him up. He clutched his hand around my necklace pulling at it gently as he cried harder.

"Hey this necklace means so much to mommy, don't ruin it" i scowled playfully, that bothered him even more.

I rocked him back and forth until he dialed down and drifted back to sleep. This often happens to him, he suddenly starts crying but as soon as i hold him he gets back to sleep like nothing happened.

My doctor told me that it's normal at this age for a baby to be attached to his mother which kept me worried because i just got back to work a week ago and had to leave him with the babysitter.

"See i told you it's your fault!?" Olivia appeared at the door smiling smugly.

"Shut up" i whisper-yelled motioning for her to get out.

I placed back zach in his crib and closed the door behind me carefully. I headed towards the living room when i accidentally tripped on a stuffed bear and fell on the floor with a loud thud.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Olivia hurried to my side worriedly.

"I'm fine..." i hissed taking her hand for me to stand up.

"First you scratched your knee this morning, then you cut your finger and now you collapsed on the floor. Either the universe is against you two or you're extremely nervous..." olivia chuckled when i glared at her.

She could see right through me, i could never lie to her. "Don't you have a study group to go to or something?" I growled grabbing my bag.

"Oh my god yeah! I'm already late!" She snapped running to her room to get her back pack.

"Just one more thing, are you sure you wanna go wearing that?" I asked hesitantly pointing towards to my outfit.

I usually hate it when she criticizes my wardrobe but honestly i didn't put much effort into my appearance tonight. I was wearing a long sleeaved green shirt tugged into baggy jeans and white sneakers.

'Til next year ||Shawn Mendes||Where stories live. Discover now