chapter 3

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As soon as i entered olivia jumped on me hugging me tightly. "Oh my god Ellie! You're okay. i was terrified, I've been calling you since last night where were you?"

She pulled away staring at my outfit weirdly. She peeked inside the bag finding my dress-technically her dress. I opened my mouth to explain but she stopped me by letting out a loud excited squeal tearing my ears apart.

"El i never imagined you to do that, you're wild girl! did you sleep with a boy?" She asked smirking.

"What!? No... technically yes but... it's a long story" i stuttered as i watched her jump up and down. So she lead me to her bed as i explained everything to her.

"He's such a douchebag... anyway the point is nothing happened between us and hopefully i won't ran into him again" i finished laying back on the matress.

"What's his name?" She asked curiously.

"I don't know... shad.. shai. I was so scared when he introduced himself" i answered not sure.

"Is he hot?" She smirked as my eyes shot out slapping her upper arm. "What?!" She asked rubbing her upper arm.

"What's wrong with you? I have a boyfriend did you forget?" I yelled my cheeks turning red. I mean he might be a douchebag but he's still freaking hot.

"By your reaction I'm guessing he is" she wriggled her eyebrows as i rolled my eyes.

"You keep convincing yourself that xander is your boyfriend but both of us know how you feel about it" she retorted back annoyed since she was never a big fan of him.

I didn't say anything because part of me knew she was saying the truth. Instead i headed towards the bathroom to change into more appropriate outfit.

I pulled off the sweatshirt as i sensed his masculine cologne making me weak in the knees, i took a deep breath sniffing it. What's wrong with me?

I threw it on the sink followed by the sweatpants before sliding under the warm water to let all the tension slip away.

Afterward i put on a red crop top and my high waisted white short and braided my hair quickly before reentering the room and finding olvia laying on her stomach watching some movie. She invited me so i joined her laying next to her.

Shawn's POV
I watched her leave sighing as i sat back on the couch driffting my attention back to the movie playing on tv... but i can't seem to get her out of my mind.

"Good morning shawnie, had fun yesterday with this girl?" Brian walked in his pyjamas giving me a friendly hug.

"No really, she was super drunk. I couldn't use her. I only braught her here because she didn't tell where her room was. I didn't even sleep next to her, i layed on the couch" i explained quickly before he jumped to conclusions. He looked at me dumbfully.

"What the fuck shawn? You lost a golden chance here my man. She's so hot" he laughed making me roll me eyes.

"Listen i wasn't gonna do anything against her will" i defended myself turning off the tv.

"Right... but tell me you at least got her name or phone number" he replied as i scratched the back of my neck.

"Unfortunately no. When i asked her she refused to tell me her name and she didn't even let me ask for her number." I stared at him frustrated as he bursted out laughing.

"Wow the first time the shawn mendes got rejected by a girl. Who knew this was possible? I gotta meet the first girl who despise you" he slapped my back but a i sent him a glare indicating for him to shut up.

'Til next year ||Shawn Mendes||Where stories live. Discover now