Tenth Endeavor: Trinkets

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For days, the rain had ceased its incessant downpour, allowing the luminous sunlight to embrace Salge in her glorious warmth. With the positive change in weather, the storm-ridden community was indulging in jovial vibes and basking under the heavenly rays, unburdened from the depressing shadows and floods that accompanied the pattering rain.

Naomi, who was ecstatic when the sun peeked out from behind the cotton ball clouds, hummed jolly tunes as she tended to the miniature garden in her backyard, a row of small, potted plants constantly dry from being placed under an awning when the pouring rain was at its worst.

"You must be happy that it's pleasant now, hm?" the brunette chimed to her flora, inspecting their vibrant hues of green and bountiful shades of pinks, blues, and reds. "Ah, but you were designed to not require sunlight as much as other plants, so I suppose this is another normal day for you."

While Naomi continued to coo and chirp to her flourishing children, Levi was preoccupied with sprucing up the interior of their two-story home, completely ignoring the pile of bills and other pieces of mail that had accumulated on the living room coffee table. Erwin studied any envelopes that piqued his curiosity, many of them pertaining to utilities in the house and monthly payments. Levi paid no heed to the demon's meddling in his affairs, rather, he simply kept quiet about the whole situation; it wasn't hurting him nor Naomi in the slightest, so why not let the Aryan male poke around at the busywork of the present day?

After Naomi had returned from outside, she slid her house slippers off her sock-covered feet and shut the sliding glass door, exhaling a satisfied sigh when she admired the gorgeous setting beyond the translucent object. The grass was a healthy shade of viridescent jade, and the vines of ivy and morning glory snaked and coiled around the fence outlining the decent-sized property. It was flawless, a perfect setting in which Naomi could virtually imagine her future offspring scurrying and giggling as their bare feet dashed across the verdant blades of the lawn.

"A family . . . " Naomi drawled quietly as she examined the backyard, her left palm instinctively cupping her lower abdomen cautiously.

Noticing her reflection in the mirror, Naomi's gaze traveled to the fading puncture wounds on her neck, the pale pink patches differing from the complexion of her creamy skin. Raising a hand up to touch the area, Naomi winced when the pads of her fingertips brushed against the skin, a burning sensation engulfing her a second afterwards.

Although it was healing, the laceration left behind an excruciating feeling whenever the flesh was softly or gingerly grazed. Naomi had problems getting comfortable the first few nights after Erwin's consumption of her, however, once she had grown tolerant of the searing pain, she was quick to admonish it entirely. It was harsh, she had realized, but if offering herself to the blood-lusting scoundrel meant he would be the slightest bit happier in his constricting setting, then perhaps it was moral of her to be his feast that estranged morning.

Trotting into the living room, Naomi was surprised to see Erwin filtering through their letters with a perplexing glimmer in his ocean-blue irises and Levi immersed in organizing any clutter strewn around the enclosed space. Smiling, Naomi toddled over to Erwin and sat next to him, much to the demon's confusion. The female mortal had distanced herself from the Aryan male for quite some time after their fervent ordeal, and he had assumed that even after her precious words, she acquired a degree of hatred towards him.

"Fascinated with the mail, are we?" Naomi giggled, proceeding to gently pick up one of the sealed envelopes from the wood-grain table. "Levi and I normally don't read any of this nonsense until the end of the month, since we dislike being bothered with the government's trivial affairs and whatnot."

Erwin mutely listened to the woman speak to him, a frown tugging at his lips in a solemn gesture.

"Back home, mail was a foreign subject for us Mynphians," Naomi added, a smile curling at her rosy lips. "We lived in a society that was governed by a ruling elite, however, they weren't your typical wealthy, tyrannical leaders that are normally written in textbooks. Our people were generous and considerate, always pursuing to accomplish the citizens' needs and desires, as well as following the code and conduct engraved into our holy scriptures and illuminated manuscripts.

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