Second Endeavor: Fracture

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The deafening roar of thunder, mixed with the impromptu blinding glares associated with lightning, vocalized an oncoming storm in Salge. It all began when the rain drizzled from the heavens, and the melodious pit-pat against the shingles of Naomi and Levi's roof motivated the two relatives in furthering their research on the Aryan Massacres. However, sources were almost entirely diverse from one another, and hopeful leads were instantly terminated when the pair came across a dead end.

Their offices were filled with exasperated groans, frustrated cursing, and the occasional slamming of hands on solid wood, or the crackling sound of papers being tossed to the floor. Concerned for her cousin's mentality, Naomi would periodically stalk into Levi's section of their merged working space, comforting his agitation with shoulder massages or endearing words. Levi normally responded with a spent sigh, his chest heaving from releasing the pent-up vexation.

Countless days were wasted in that confined space, yet the two never displayed signs of contempt when beside each other for lengthy periods of time. Perhaps it was the gentle pattering of the rain on the windows, the background noise soothing their aching brains and flaccid figures. Although, after consoling Levi from his fits of rage, Naomi would offer to boil a kettle of water for tea, and discuss intriguing facts either one had stumbled upon.

Cobalt hues strained from scanning computer screens and archaic textbooks, Levi accepted each steaming china cup with elation, relishing in the therapeutic liquid he enjoyed as much as Naomi herself. Thanking her with the utmost gratitude each time, Naomi would beam a joyous statement and peck his cheek, causing the older male to scowl from the skinship. Not that he minded Naomi's odd affectionate habits, but his problem lied within his inability to process human beings touching one another in any form.

More than a week passed before Levi and Naomi actually salvaged a few decent articles pertaining to the Aryan Massacres, the pair shifting the information to a quarantined parlor down the hall. With a stable motion, Naomi placed a glimmering steel tray on a coffee table, the teaware modestly slipping to the left as she steadily lowered it onto the work surface. The discourse initiated when both parties were seated comfortably across from each other on opposite chaise lounges, their fingers gripping a demitasse in distinct fashions.

"Naomi," murmured Levi, who then blew on his piping tea with a cool breath, "would you mind repeating what your initial idea of the Aryan Massacres were?"

Blinking her gaze from her drink to Levi, Naomi straightened her form and tightened the hold on her miniature mug's handle. "I said that the man responsible for the murders was possessed by Satan, and had an insatiable craving for human blood and organs . . . then he mysteriously disappeared from the world . . . " Trailing off, the brunette folded one leg over the other and adjusted her seating arrangements. "Why do you ask, Levi? Was my prior knowledge proved wrong?"

Lips pulled into a pondering agape, Levi rested his tea on its saucer, sliding the circular object onto the wooden buffet. "Somewhat," he disclosed, raising his brows in a charming manner. "Here, it would be easier to explain through a book I recently found in our library."

Leaning over the arm of his couch, Levi procured a rather decrepit novel from the floor, its pages crinkled and worn down to an aged yellow. Carefully flipping the hardcover back, the raven-haired man mildly licked his thumb and lifted a few pages by their corners, repeating the process until he reached a bookmarked section. Tenderly, Levi positioned the reading material in his hands and faced it towards his younger cousin, her eyes sparkling when she gazed at the image depicted on the frayed paper.

There, sketched in an inky black, stood a hulking being that resembled a human, however, portrayed demonic attributes like curled, sable horns, and a long, ebony tail whose tip resembled an unbloomed tulip. Allured by the drawing, Naomi craned closer to the textbook, rosy lips slightly parted and hazel hues flecked with curiosity. She studied the outlandish creature, reaching a free hand over to trace the picture with the tip of her index finger. 

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