part 10

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Choles POV
30 November

As I finished updating my file Blake and Ryan walked in "I heard you wanted to see me ." Blake said I nod and gesture to the seat opposite me and Blake sat down besides me . I took a deep breath and said " I'm not to sure how to say it but I'm gonna say it the only way I know how . I want to murge this pack with yours and Blake's . I first wanted to know your current numbers and what your total available capacity is I also want to know if you would like to murge all 3 packs into 1 or 2 into 1.

You'll get to do all the same things you would be doing now but you have Blake's help your beat and his beat . But it's really up to you that's all that I want you to feel comfortable I don't want you to feel forced . We'll combine all 3 of our pack leave and since Blake is alpha king it will work faster but we'll still have to involve the council. " He cut me off by saying " well we best ready the packs to move but since both of these pack houses are small we can use one as a guessed house and the other must be remodeled and used as a back up of records cause I know for a fact there is a whole bunch of my packs records in others packs libarys or in offices and I no longer want them scattered.  Deal ? "As he said all of this I typed it out and got it printed . We even had enough time to write up the merging contracts which we'd later give to the council to approve

We also looked for and phoned a architect to have they draw up plans for the remodels of the house we decided that the old light moon pack house would be used for record storage so that as we grow as a pack there will be enough space to store all the documents. Just as we finished my timer went off telling me food was ready I dished up enough food for the elders and took it to the elders on a push cart along with more drinks crockery, cutlery shambles and serviets . "I'll be back now I'm just gonna go give this to the elders. You guys can dish up so long before everyone else comes. " I started walking with the push cart towards the meeting room. 

When I got there I knocked on the door and I heard someone say come in and I slowly opened the door and went in I took the cart to them " If you need anything else please do tell us and I will get it for you and please if you have any problems let me know . Oh and we blake ryan and i would like to make a appointment for a meeting with you before  you leave ." They thanked me and I walked back to the kitchen.  When I got there I greeted the boy's and went to go dish up for myself . We made small talk while we ate but after that the boys left to go do some alpha business  they asked if I wanted to join them but I declined cause I was really tiered I waited for everyone to eat before I started cleaning up .

Someone came and threw their food down in front of me I looked up at them and said "What seems to be the problem? "And crossed my arms over my chest "this is to oily for me I need you to make me something different." they said  "I will do no such thing..."he cut me off  "Oh but you will your not a luna you are a omega and will always be one ." As they said that they shoved me down grabbed my arm and broke it . I screamed from the pain while I started to cry and he laughed next thing I knew Ryan and Blake came running down the stairs . Blake bent down and held me and asked "What happened baby . "I took a breath to try calm down and breath through the pain . " He complained that his food was to oily and wanted a different meal I told him I will not do that and before I could Finnish speaking he cut he off and said I'm only a omega and I will do it he then broke my arm . " As I said that I blacked out from pain .

Alpha Blake pov

I heard Chloe scream Ryan and I ran down stairs to find her on the floor I asked her what happened then as my princess blacked out from pain . I told Ryan to take her to the infirmary to get her arm put in a cast cause since she hasn't shifted it will take a very long time to heal . I then took the guy by the collar and dragged him to the meeting room whilst calling through the mind link ' Pack meeting right now anyone that is not ill injured or working boarder patrol or in the infirmary that is not there will be released from this pack and be a rouge . '

When I get to the meeting room I opened the door the elders were asking me what I was doing but I ignored them and carried on I walked to the front pulled a chair front and centre and put the guy in the chair while people walked in . I turned to the council and said "we are having a pack meeting cause it seems I wasn't very clear the first time I said that Chloe is no longer a omega. so I'm going to reiterate it for those that didn't understand. " I walked up to the computer and pulled the security camera footage from the kitchen and I got from when the guy aproched her and paused it I then let to projector screen roll down and found the remote for the projector and turned it on. "It seems like I wasn't clear enough for some when I said Chloe is no longer a omega . And it's sad that you think it's okay to treat any omega this way regardless of rank everyone deserves respect . Now I'm gonna show you how not to treat any omega and what will happen to you if you treat them this way cause when the packs merge we can not have any one behaving like such . "

I pushed play on the video and you could hear ever word and most of them watched I pure horror . Once it ended I paused it and said "since Chloe is my mate that could be seen as  a intent to kill or cause harm to a royal so that means you wouldn't necessarily get a trial. " I look at the guy and walk ever so slowly  closer to him when I'm close enough my fists start flying ." But if you are lucky enough to make it to a trial after your trial no matter the out come you will be put to death by yours truly . Now since I am a alpha never mind alpha king and you hurt my mate I can hurt you 10 times worse then what you hurt my mate. Anyone who doesn't agree with this method may be released of there pack duties and leave now with no possibility of returning . " Surprisingly no One got up and left . "Now if this happens to anyone again after the packs merge you will be released from the pack and become a Rouge do I make myself clear"

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