Chapter 2

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Alpha Mike pov

27 November 2016

This bitch is going to learn the hard way. She wants to ditch school that is when most of the pack members take there anger out on her . I opened her door and knocked her out in the process thats a bonus now she won't be able to struggle this will be so much easier now with her out cold so she can't fight . So I drag her body to the bed pick her up and threw her on to the bed .

I stand up lose my belt and drop my pants and let my dick hang free I then start to strip her and play with her beasts and vigina. I had a moment and wanted to make it more interesting for me I lock her door and get 4 belts from her closet and tye her to her bed "posts " they were 3 hocks in the wall . She can't do anything so I can do what I want and I always get what I want

Then I play with her and get myself rock hard then I let the fun begin. As I stroke myself one last time I lined myself up and started slamming myself into her I don't know how many times I came in her but she eventually woke up be I wasn't finished having my fun yes and she would just have to deal with that . She managed to get free

Chloe pov

I woke up half way through his fun and I just cried I struggled trying to get someones attention but it was pointless afterwards which seemed to be hours long I got free of the belts that were restraning me and I kick him he fell off the bed I presume he is uncontious but I didn't care. I put on clothes then took my diary spare clothes my Swiss army knife that i stole and put it all in a bag ran up the stairs and out the door ran towards the forest and ran deep in . You know what the sad thing is no one would notice if I died or i don't return till tomorrow and they'll only notice cause there's no food ready for them when they get up .

I ran and every thing became a crying and speedie blur I ran over on to no man's land off of light moon territory I put more clothes on that I stole from one of the pack teens and sat down I took my diary out and started to write since this is my only means of ranting .

Dear diary
27 November 2016
Today I started new school I tried to stay low but someone saw me and snitched they told my Alpha after School I did my normal routine then as I was taking my dishes up to the kitchen and he came down the stairs knocked me out cold and he took my innocence I know that I will be pregnant because he is the alpha of the light moon pack I have no one to talk to after the rouges killed my family and left the one person that just raped me how did I used to look up to my dad now he's just a demon that rapped me . I have been a Out cast of the Pack no one cares for me. I can't go back I'll be even more of a freak to them now that I'm gonna have the alphas son /grandson and I know what everyone is gonna say I threw myself at him but I'm the only one that will know I was trying to throw him off of me instead .

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