Chapter 1

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Hey guys,
So it's taken me a long time to publish this . I don't own any of the images used in the book but the book itself is mine feel free to give your input.

Chloe's pov

27 November 2016

"Chloe. Get your useless ass up. " Alpha Mike screams at my door. I then bolted up slaming on snooze to relise it was just a nightmare so that's how a another wonderful day starts in my perfect life ... sence the sarcasm I thought so. The nightmaes are nothing new to me but I'm still not used to them. 

Anyway I'm Chloe Bechies and around here I'm the slave that tends to everyone's needs . I am 18 years old and I have given up on finding my mate or trying to connect with my wolf .

I got up from the mattress that's on the floor . I walked to my make shift  bathroom which is in the corner of the room and consisted of a pee bucket and a old rusty free standing  bath. I had a bath in the rust bucket with ice cold water since I am not worth wasting money on for electricity or a bathroom or clean water the water I used was someone's bath water last night which I caught from the dripping pipes. When I was done I got dressed in worn out jeans,holeie socks,over worn out Tommie tackies, a over stretched black shirt and a black hoddie that is one size to small but it dose the job of attempting to keep me warm . I started to cough as I walked to the door I steadied myself against the wall . I wouldn't be surprised if I had pneumonia from all the moisture down here.

I opened the door and ran upstairs to the kitchen as fast as I could to start breakfasts for the pack. Yes I said up . I stay in the basement and no not with the prisoners they stay in the cells in the forest . I quickly look over at the clock "3:30" I wispered to myself danm I am late .

I decide to start with the pancakes blueberry choc chip .

By the time I was done it was 5:01 and I still had to set the table and wash the dishes I used all in 30 miniutes before all 559 pack members that stay in the house came down for breakfast . I turn my back rest to leave slightly happy that I had no confrontation . " Hey whore,I hope you made my breakfast right to day ." No I spoke to soon . "Yyyeess mmmaaaammm welĺlll I hopppe iiiiiiits up to to toto to your stttttandderrdďdds." I said not wanting to get in trouble again I look at the floor while speaking cause in their mind my eye contact is rude and plus I'm to scared to give eye contact . I walked to the door after she dismissed me .

I managed to take a Apple for lunch I probably wouldn't eat It till tonight I went to my room and got my book bag before I started my walk to school as I normally would .

I don't normally get to eat cause Alpha Mike doesn't see it necessary but today I was lucky I got a apple which for me is a lot of food for a week even if it's just a apple to you I won't even be able to finish it . I didn't go to the same school as the rest of my pack trust Me I tryed that for a year's I've tried that for 10 year's I now go to a school two pack away from everyone else I got permission from both alphas  that share the terrotry that the schools on but not mine cause I value my life and he doesn't think it is necessary for me to be educated at all .

Oh yes I don't think I told you it's the start of the new school year it is not like all the other schools in the country. It gose Jaunuary to December with breaks in between . I got to school so now I am standing in a queue like everyone else to get my schedule can you say a Bo who bo who . Final I am in the office out the heat " Hi Chloe Bechies " the lady at the desk didn't have any communication no words no smile niks nada zilcha she then handed me my schedule I step outside the office to read it .

P1 : Business studies. Mr van Lefiran (fun- la- f -ì-ran ) room 7
P2: Geography . Mrs Dekkers
(deck -ers) room 21
P3 life science ms du toit(do- toy- t ) room 11
P4 English ms chochrane
(ch-o -k -ran)room 22
P5 Maths Mrs Bamath (bam-math) room 24
P6 Afrikaans Mr van Lefiran room 7
( my actual schedule for grade 10 2016 )

#Remember school starts at 6:00 and ends at 1:00 # not really I made it up

OK seems simple enough.

This school starts early which works out great for me cause I need to be back home before 2 to take out meat for dinner and watch the little kids and help with their homework some times .

So I was on my way to my class and I saw someone familiar with a familiar sent .I ignore it I didn't speak to anyone not wanting to attract attention to myself . When I got to class it was open and there where a bunch of people there I walked in and sat down at the back I didn't want to affend anyone so I took out my sketch book and I just drew what came to me

Ten minutes later .
"Okay guys if you aren't in grade ten you need to go and if you are in grade ten but you don't take business studies with me in 1 ST period . You need to get to your class." I'm assuming Mr van Lafiran said to everyone in his class ." Aaah sir doesn't the bell tell us when to go to class?" 'New people am I right ' someone snickered . I also have no idea what's going on ?!

" No the school doesn't have a bell if you here a bell you need to make your way to the emergency assembly point ." After that was said every one that wasn't supposed to be there left .
I was surprised that a register was taken every period .

After 8 hours of taking notes sketching and people asking if I want to sit with them at break I started to walk home today's Monday yay not . Its chicken night so i have to make a lot of different types of chicken . It is what I have to make for the entire pack house every second Monday of the month .

I get home  run down stairs dump my book bag on the floor in my room and run back up stairs I turn the stoves and ovens on I make my way to the freezer and take out 4 whole chickens for roast chicken ,8 boxes of chicken pieces , 3 packs of chicken breast, 9 boxes of chicken wings , 3 extra large packets of fries and 2 big packets of mixed veg.

I started the roast chicken in the ovens . Turned the deep fries on and put the nugets and chips in ....

After all that I put all the food in the warming draw I left with a little bit of everything for dinner bottle of water and left with my Apple from this morning which I'll save for later in the week . 

I ran down to my room ate my supper, did all my homework, as I was about to take my dishes up I heard alpha Mike shouting "WHERE IS THE WHORE !!!!!!!!!?????" Then I heard his thumping feet coming down the stairs just as I was about to open my door but it hit me in the face and it all went black .

Alpha Mikes pov

So every one tells my that the whore skipped school today and my spy has proof . Why should I pay her fees if she isn't gone go ? I jump in my mustang and raced to the pack house I rip the door of my car open and slam it shut I stormed in ready to kill her.

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