part 6

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Chloe's pov

30 November 2016

I felt soft kisses all over my body I slowly opened my eyes and saw Blake hovering over me . He soon saw I was a wake and stopped and I let out a huff . "Princess don't be like that you me and my sister need to go clothes shopping for you and she on her way so you and I need to shower and get dressed ." I blushed at the thought of shower together." little missie stop those thoughts right now and if you want to think them put your wall up cause you are newly marked so I can see all and hear all your thoughts and same for me if I don't put my wall up ."

He took a deep breath and said " Do you want to shower together or not ." I thought about it for a while . And I climbed out of bed and said "why don't you join me anyway. " When I got in bathroom i didnt have any clothes to take off after last night so I climbed in the shower I turned the water on and not long after a pair of arms wrap round my waist .

'You are such a tease you know that?' I heard a voice say in my head but it wasn't my voice it was Blake's voice 'oh I know I just like to be one to you when we're alone . Besides a quickie won't hurt anyone ' after that conversation we wash each other's bodys from top to toe and front to back . And we washed each other's hair . Which was very relaxing for me

When we were done he climbed out and got a towel for himself and for me he wrapped mine around my chest then wrapped his round his waist my "sister will be here any minute with your clothes but for now you can put on my shirt . " he hands me a tee shirt that you can see that it is his and I can surely smell it  I put it on then I went back to the bathroom to use the toilet I felt my stomach churn and let it out Blake rushed in held my hair back and traced light circles on my back.  Blake got up closing th bathroom door as he got up I heard s knock on the main door 2 pairs of feet walked over . I heard a knock on the bathroom door and Blake said" my sister's just gone back to jet to get you a pair of shoes cause she forgot to get them so she says she'll be her in 10 minutes 15 tops ." Oh wow i think it's safe to assume she is a forgetful one  . "Ok umm what's her name by the way " I said to him "who's name ? " is he a doos or something (directly translated box . Means are stupid. )"Your sister what is her name ?"I hope he understands this now. "Oh her name is Emma . She 19 2 years jounger than me "

"So were almost the same age ? " "Ja if you think about it that way" Just as he said that there was a knock at the door. He went to go answer it while I finished up I walked in to see a tall blond hair woman . " Oh you must be Chloe nice to meet you I'm Emily but you can call me Emma . Cause you family now . Ok so here's the clothes you go get dressed and we'll wait here for you then when your done well go shopping " I took the bag and went to the bathroom to get dressed . When I got there I took the clothes out and put them on the counter I put everything on except the tee shirt I tried to put it on but it couldn't go past my breasts or my head so I was pretty much blinded by a shirt .

" Ah guy I need some help here please and Blake please bring me one of your shirts and maybe a pair of scissors. " just as I said that there was a knock on the bathroom door "can we come in baba " " he he ah yes please can you can just open the door slowly cause idk where exactly I am in the room ." I  ramble cause I started to stress my self out and I made no sense

I heard the door slowly squeak open . "Oh baby what's wrong " "what dose it look like the shirt is to small for me to fit over my head . If you had asked me what size I was I could have told you. NOW GET IT OFF ." I hate feeling clostre phobice so I'm freaking out . Breath in and out in and out . Any thing they were saying was going in one ear and out the other . If you can even call it that .till I felt the shirt being removed from my head . " No way I can't belive I didn't smell it earlier you guys mate . When you better not have forced her or I'll shove your Dick up your ass. Chloe did he force you oh my god that means your gonna have a baby Oh my word I'm gonna be a aunt . Oh wait .....that mean oh mom's gonna be mad at you . " as Emma was blabbering Blake was getting mad he lost it very fast . "Emma enough . It was a choice we made to mend a bad situation and since you need to be in attendance at the council trial you will find out why so will mom and dad. Here is your shirt now let go cause other wise we are gonna start running late . We Need to be in the board room at the light moon pack by lates 10:30 and its 8:45 shops open in 15 "

As he finished up I put my shirt on and held on to his hand we grabbed the key card and went to the lift Emma trailing behind us he pushed the down button and we wait for the lift to come when it arrived we all stepped in and selected ground floor Blake held my hand the whole time . Emma piped up and said " I'm so sorry for my behaviour back there Chloe I was insensitive and ignorant especially to bring up such a sensitive topic that I have no clue about so soon after it has occurred . Can you forgive me ?" It really took a lot of energy to hold it together

"Emma it really ok I've been through a lot which has made me learn a lot .I know your intentions were good and you didn't mean to offend me but you need to be a lot more cautious with your words if I was not as strong as I am that could have caused so problems but I forgive you as long as you try to be more cautious with your words next time cause you can really offend someone . "

She has tears in her eyes and gave me a hug and was nodding prefuicly into my shoulder " Ok it's time to get shopping now let's go before he wants to kill us for for taking to long. We walked out the hotel and Blake was already to take us to the mall in his Toyota buckie we drove there in silence when we got to the mall Blake opened my door helped me out and held my hand as we walked into the  mall and I had a game plan. "Ok Emma you go to forever new edgars and mister price and get jeans t-shirts shorts socks and shoe boots takkies sneakers flip flops sandles and slippers .Get one of each  Babe give me your phone so I can send her my sizes . Babe me and you are gonna go to Woolworths pick n pay clothing and fochines we'll get the more formal dresses shoes and underware but only what I need for now well come back later for the rest  . Ok meet back here in on hour and I whatsapped you my sizes for everything you too babe so if you see anything you think will look good go get . " I said as we walked to our stores to get all the shopping done

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