Chapter 16

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Izuku pov:

I looked at Kacchan from one of the stools in the bar, I was sitting as far away from him as possible.

A few of the others who haven't met me were glancing at me every now and again, probably wondering who I was or maybe they knew.

All I knew was that Shigaraki didn't want me meeting anyone other than Toga and Dabi.

He was convinced I was 'fragile' and they would hurt me for being quirkless, I rolled my eyes, if they touched me they would die a very painful death.

"Why is he here?" I asked breaking the silence "You know what never mind, I'm going out to have some fun." I said before they could answer and left.

Why did they have to bring him to the bar? I thought as I walked down the street, I tried to ignore the stares the whispering.

I couldn't deal with this right now. I had to get away, danm the consequences, if there were any to begin with.

I looked up from the ground when I heard a muffled scream. I frowned before walking towards where I heard it.

A woman, well more of a girl really, she must have been 14 if not younger was pinned to the wall by some low life. He was holding a knife against her throat.

"I love the ones who cry." I heard him whisper to her, I scowled at him. He was disgusting.

"Well then you'll love." I said cheerfully, I haven't cried in quite some time, but I used to cry at everything, ever little thing.

"What's happening here?" I asked in a bored tone when he didn't say anything walking closer towards the man who swore and the girl looked a mixture between hopeful and terrified, I chose to ignore her for now.

"Let her go." The man seemed to get over his shock and snorted he probably thought he could beat me in fight. It was laughable.

His quirk looked to be minotaur, half bull, half man, but I'm sure you knew that.  It must make him bullheaded.

"Why would I do that? Beat it." I put my hand on his shoulder touching part of his neck as I did so and watched the poison sink into his skin, the veins in his neck turning a bright green for a moment.

I designed the gloves after I saw a movie, I can't remember which.

Once the gloves comes in contact with someones skin it will release a poison that will in seconds or a minute at most, kill them. They will instantly become pale and gain a large smile, kinda like the joker or All might.

I did create the poison not to have any effect on me just to be safe, I didn't want to die because I did something stupid.

"Now that's not very nice." I said and saw him open his mouth to retort only to stiffen, I had to admit I was curious how the poison will affect him because of his quirk.

I watched with interest as his fur slowly turned white, a smile forming on his face before he fell back.

I removed my gloves stuffing them in my pockets and turned to girl.

She was shaking her eyes closed as she tried to make her self look small.

I wonder if she was quirkless. She hasn't used a quirk on me or the creep after all.

"Run along now, don't get into any more trouble." I said with a sing song tone of voice before walking away not really caring about what happened to her.

I just saved her because the guy was rude and I hated rude people.


When I went back to bar the place was surrounded by cops and I'm pretty sure I saw All might. I swore, what now?

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Shigaraki muttering when he didn't pick up.

"Where are you?" I asked quickly when he picked up "The places surrounded by cops are you okay?"

Silence, what if Shigaraki wasn't the one who answered? What if it was a cop? Or worse a hero? I started to bite my lip before stopping. Stupid scar.

"Are you at the bar?" Shigaraki finally responded, I had to force myself not to sob in relief. I was not weak.

"Just got back actually, where are you?" I asked trying to sound annoyed. It wasn't that hard.

"Meet me at your Mom's apartment." He said before hanging up, I glared at the phone before I started walking towards my Mom's apartment.

At least she'll be happy to see me after the few weeks of just sending her text instead of actually talking to her.

I was happy she accepted me as a villain. She saw how I was treated and supported my decision.

I was so dead, she was going to kill me, cry for a hour, bring me back and possibly give me a cookie because she was worried about me or she'll just kill me again.

I swear Shigaraki is going to get me killed one of these days, why did I have to like the idiot?

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