Chapter 4

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Uraraka pov

At least now I know why the other nurses didn't want to go near him. Yhere's something seriously wrong with him. Not just the scar, but his eyes.

When I walked into the room his eyes were cold, lifeless until we started to talk about quirks, almost instantly a cruel light appeared in his eyes. He looked almost amused.

It's like he was planning on how to kill me with my own quirk. It was just creepy! And his voice wasn't helping, he sounded childish thanks to the lisp so it was down right creepy.

I glanced back at the room. I had the irrational feeling that he knew exactly what I was thinking, like he was watching me, it was stupid, I mean he was quirkless adter all. He couldn't really do anything.

That didn't stop me from shuddering and quickening my pace while considering begging the doctor to give me a different patient, just like everyone else did before me. Not even a day and I already gave up.

It at least explains why his room was treated like the devil himself was in there, but if I was being honest with myself, they probably weren't to far off.

He reminded me of the villains I saw in the news or even the ones I read about in comics and books.

He wasn't necessarily psychotic, but he was definitely cruel or he could be if he wanted to and it didn't take much brain power to see he was smart and the way his visitor left the room, he practically played him like a fiddle.

He knew just what buttons to press to get rid of him, I knew I shouldn't have let him in there...

I knocked on the door to the doctors office.

"Doctor?" I asked peaking into his office. He smiled at me, but it seemed strained, forced.

"Let me guess you want a new patient." He said sounding tired, I smiled nervously

"I thought maybe we could put him under psychiatric watch." I admitted looking at my shoes, I heard an exasperated laugh

"He already is! Why do you think he's the only one is his room? He kept mimicking the other patients to toy with us! As soon as we have something on him he changes, it just a game to him!" He shouted sounding bitter and frustrated.

How? I thought shocked, how can he manipulate his personality that much? What was the point? Was there a point? Maybe he was insane.

Izuku pov:

I looked around the empty room bored. My time here has become so dull since they moved the other patients to different rooms.

It was funny at first, watching them become frustrated and almost insane in their attempts at figuring out what was going on in my mind, but now I was starting to regret it.

The boredom was starting to get to me, I almost started to wish Kacchan came back so I can mock him, at least then I had something to do.

I sighed as I grabbed the notebook again flipping through the pages until I reached All mights autograph.

I can't believe I got so excited over something so useless, it was just his name, nothing important.

I ripped it out and threw it away, maybe the janitor will see use for it. He likes to go threw everyone's trash, why I wasn't sure, I just knew he did it when he thought I was asleep.

For all I knew he was just interested in my trash since everyone in this godforsaken hospital thought I was the devil, a monster, a villain.

Not that it mattered, I couldn't change their minds so there no point in trying, at least no one was about to start mocking me for being quirkless, small mercies, I suppose.

I looked up when I heard a crashing sound. A nurse was staring at me in silent horror. The tray of food she had was now on the floor. I felt a twinge of sorrow as I looked at the lost food.

I started to wonder where Uraraka was. I didn't think about it to long, she wasn't important.

The new nurse ran out as soon as I smiled. I rolled my eyes, well at least that took care of my boredom, if only for the moment, but I had to wonder how many nurses had to refuse to come near me before I was finally allowed to leave.

I have been here for two months now, the only reason I was even still here was because the doctor wanted to study my mental state.

Physically I was fit as a fiddle, well as fit as I can be with a botched attempt at healing the scar, but I could leave as soon as they sign the damn release form

I couldn't wait to get out of here. I was starting to think the doctor wanted me to become a phycopath just so he can lock me away and study me.

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