Chapter 8: Therapy

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Izuku pov:

I tapped my fingers on my thigh annoyed, I can't believe I had to see a therapist, what was the point?

Didn't the doctors do enough? They did all their useless test on me, was it really necessary to see a therapist? But no, I needed it so I could deal with the so called 'trauma' of what happened to me? What trauma? I was perfectly okay, there was absolutely no need for this.

"Izuku Midoriya?" I heard someone say, I'm guessing the therapist, I looked up and saw a blond woman smiling at me kindly, I got up from my seat and followed her into her office.

It was very neat, everything was in its place, I hated it, there was no colour, no personality, it was empty, I sat in the chair in front of her desk, she did the same.

"Let me start shall I?" She gave a nod giving me permission "Have you ever had a really bad day?" I asked leaning back in my chair, mimicking her relaxed posture.

"And what do you mean by that?" I restrained myself from rolling my eyes, at least she wasn't asking me about my feelings.

"You of all people should know, there's nothing as cruel as memory," That got her attention, but she didn't say anything only leaning forward. I smiled starting to enjoy this little therapy session.

"It's inescapable, unrelenting, not at all friendly, you can't even escape if you go insane and then something happens that changes your life and you're not sure who you are anymore, it's funny how one event can cleave off little pieces of yourself, deform your persona until you rethink your entire identity," She was writing something down, looking interested in what I had to say, wasn't her quirk being able to make people speak the truth?

Why was it so easy to trick her? But then again what I was saying held some truth, her quirk did have limits, if you spoke in half truths, it still counted.

You could lie to her face as long as it had bits of the truth. She really did rely to much on her quirk to work on her patients.

"And as you realize how foolish it is - your laughter." I smiled at her waiting for her to react.

"Okay, I'm going to need more specifics. How about we try some word association?" How stupid was she? Didn't she realize I just admitted to half truths? To lying?

"That sounds... delightful." I said boredly looking at her unamused, she ignored me.

"Acceptance." She started writing the word down waiting patiently for my response.

"Now that's a little trite, isn't it?" I ignored the memory of meeting Kacchan for the first time that appeared in my head.

"Look I'm only doing this to help you. Let's try this again. Acceptance." This time I did role my eyes.

"My favorite stage." I said, she chuckled amused by my answer.

"Okay, one more. And I need you to be serious for this one." I nodded, not really caring

"Fate." I instantly thought how Kacchan said it was my fate to achieve nothing.

"You want to know something funny?" She looked curious.

"Sure." She held up her pen ready to start writing, it was starting to annoy me, I wanted to grab it from her hands and throw it away.

"I used to think of fate as evil - predetermined - not by some higher power," She started writing I flexed my hand forcing myself not to grab it from her. I didn't want her thinking I was crazy

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