Chapter 7

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Izuku pov:

I had a large grin on my face while I walked twords U.A. My weapons all stashed away in my duffle bag.

I knew I was going to get in, there was no doubt about it, if not in the Hero course at least I'll be in U.A.

I might stand a chance at joining the hero course at the sports festival like Eraser head did.

I saw Kacchan in the corner of my eye, he was scowling at the ground, I swore I saw him smiling, if only for a moment before I turned away from him.

I looked at the other people here, they all seemed so carefree, happy, except for a few who looked bored or nervous, but they were hardly noticeable.

I wonder what their quirks are? Could any of their quirks be useful with what we had to do? Was the exam about brute force? Or were they goung to test how heroic we were? Or maybe our puzzle solving abilities?

I was hoping it wasn't based on brute force, they'll lose so many great heroes with something so stupid.

What about the heroes who's quirks weren't compatible to be used with forse? Wouldn't it be better to have more heroes who uses more than their quirk to save the day?

If anything with this strategy they were probably just insuring more villains.

The people who were branded villainous or powerless, it fueling their rage and making them villains.

It was kind of funny, they create the very thing they try to fight, how ironic and so easily avoided.

Bakugou pov:

I didn't say a word when I saw Deku walk towords U.A with a big grin on his face. His scar making him stand out, but no one seemed to care or if they did they just stayed their distance and continued to talk with their friends. I scoffed and looked down scowling

I knew he was here for the exam. It was no surprise that he would show up, he wasn't one to easily give up on his dreams.

I don't think anyone could convince him to stop once he got an idea in his head, not even his mother or All might for that matter.

He was to stubborn to listen to what other people thought. For someone so smart he really was dumb.

A small smile appeared on my face when I remembered him fighting with our teacher when we were four, before I found out he was quirkless, before I became his bully, his tormentor.

It was hero week and the teacher sorted us into groups. Naturally he was sorted into a different group than me, me being in the All might group and him being in the eraser head group.

I heard the teacher say it was because he wasn't noticeable a few days later after everyone found out Deku was quirkless, but he wouldn't stop fighting, even biting the teacher just so we could be in the same group.

The teacher had to get stitches and Deku got what he wanted.

I forced the smile off my face and continued to scowl as I quickened my pace.

Why was I even thinking about that? It's not like the nerd was going to forgive me just because we used to be best buds before I screwed it up, to be honest I was surprised he wasn't blackmailing me.

Hell I'm surprised he didn't ruin my chances of becoming a hero as soon as he got out of the hospital, but then again he said he wasn't planning on telling anyone.

Did he just like the fact he was capable of ruining my life? Did he want to watch me suffer? Considering what I did to him I probably deserved worse, but I couldn't help to feel relieved, he wasn't going to do anything, he wasn't a threat to me becoming a hero.


The exam went down without a problem for the most part, a lot of people had to be bought to the nurses office since they were giggling madly and couldn't move without help, they were completely useless.

Deku wasn't one of them, but I bet he couldn't even take out one of the robots, the thought of him cowering in fear behind a building flashed in my head and I couldn't stop a grin from appearing on my face as I walked home, ignoring the guilt nagging at me

Uraraka pov:

The kid from the hospital was at the exam. I'm pretty sure he was a bigger threat than the robots.

He had so many weapons, most of them taking out anyone who came near him, not hurting them just leaving them giggling on the floor incapable of continuing with the exam, but yet he saved me.

He saw me trapped and without so much as a second thought he came to my rescue. He looked annoyed and just about ready to kill the next person to get in his way, but he still helped me.

If it wasn't for him I probably would have been crushed, but I was sure he didn't have enough points to get in.

He was to busy helping other people, if it wasn't me, it was moving someone who was injured out of the way.

I walked into the school instantly seeing present Mic

"Um, sorry sir?" I asked trying to get his attention he turned to me smiling "Um, you know the kid with the scar?" I was already regretting my decision.

What if he got in and I didn't? He was probably going to drop out anyways, but I forced myself to continue. He saved me, maybe if he got into U.A it might save him from becoming a villain.

"I thought I could give him some of my points." I forced myself to say sounding meek even to my own ears.

"There's no need kid, he's doing fine on his own." He said grinning at me, I had to force myself not to sigh in relieve, I still had a chance to get in.

On my way home the worry remained, nagging at me, making itself known.

What if he became a villain? I mean he already looked like one with his scar, he already went through trauma like most villains, what if all he needed was a little push?

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