Chapter 13

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All might pov:

Midoriya betrayed us, why? How? When we met he seemed so determined to become a hero, even when he was in class he was always smiling, he had so much potential.

I would think the villain attack would have made him hate villains, but clearly not, he became one after all.

How didn't I see this coming? I sighed as I sat down at my desk. The students weren't here, they were all sent home to deal with the loss of their friend, but was that really the right word?

Thinking back on it, he was always so distant never interacting with the others unless he had to.

He was only putting up a facade when the teachers were watching. How didn't I notice that? I was the number one hero for hells sake!

I suppose you only notice the important things when you can't do anything about it, but to be honest his classmates weren't all that effected.

They just seemed to be happy they were getting a day off. All but Bakugou, he didn't say a word, he just stood there emotionless, in shock.

I should talk to him, from what Midoriya's mother told me they were best friends since childhood.

I heard a knock on the door and jumped before quickly shifting to my other form and quickly opened the door with a large fake smike.

"It's my fault." Was the first thing I heard before I even knew who was standing at the door.

Bakugou was standing there looking at the ground. His body was stiff and if I looked closely I could see he was shaking

"I was the one who attacked him, it-it wasn't a villain, I hurt him and mocked him, I just, I didn't mean for it to happen, I'm sorry." He was clearly shaking now and I could see he was holding back tears. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"You can't blame yourself for the choices he made." It was surprising to hear he was the one who attacked him, the one who scared him.

"It isn't your fault Midoriya chose to become a villain, that was the path he chose and you shouldn't blame yourself for it." I knew he didn't believe me, but it had to be said. It was no ones fault he became a villain other than his own.


The incident was mostly forgotten, most didn't care he was gone, most didn't even notice.

Not until his face appeared on every TV screen in the city, his little speech scared everyone even some of the heroes.

"You know, I will never understand why you all call yourself heroes," He started, but stopping to lick his lips, he looked bored

"You all run around fighting the villains so you call yourselves heroes, the protectors of the city, but in reality your all just toy soldiers that the government have broken and they make you all think your noble and your doing the right thing and you all pretend that you can't be swayed that you could never be a villain, but the more noble you are, the more you act like you can't ever become a villain, their the ones who are the easiest to break"

He smiled before the screen flicked showing static quickly followed by some sort of symbol, it almost looked like a top hat, but with large round goggles on it, before it switched back to Midoriya.

"It just takes on bad day to drive the sanest person to lunacy, to make the good guy become the villain, now I had my fair share of bad days so the whole hero thing, it's just boring now, I don't see the point, but destroying society that's boring too, all I want is to watch the world burn."

With those finally words the video cut of to show a nervous looking reporter.

"Reports have come in that the Charlot Hospital is in flames." they quickly showed shaky footage of the hospital which was on fire and destroyed.

It was a wonder how it didn't all come crumbling down to the ground, people were running around screaming, the heroes haven't showed up yet, but when they did it was to late far to late, there was no hope anyone could have survived that, not without a lot of luck.

What kind of monster would do this? What kind of Monster did Midoriya become?

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