Chapter 2

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Izuku pov:

I woke up to the sound of loud beeping that insured I wouldn't be falling asleep again any time soon so I slowly opened my eyes, well eye.

The left side of my face felt numb and when I slowly reached for it I felt tired and weak, but mostly confused when I felt bandages. I frowned when I realized I was in a hospital.

I remember Kacchan attacking me, how could I not? But I never thought I'll end up in the hospital... alone for that matter.

I was about to shout for a doctor or a nurse, I didn't really care which, all I wanted was answers, but before I could so much as open my mouth a doctor walked in.

He looked at me in surprise when he noticed I was awake.

"You're awake." He said with a large fake smile

"Very observant." I practically croaked more than spoke, making him chuckle, but I could see he was trying to hide his annoyance.

"You're lucky to be alive kid." He said with a small grin, was he enjoying the sight of me in pain?

"If you weren't bought in here so fast I doubt you would be." I knew Kacchan couldn't have been the one to bring me in. He would have ran at the first sight of trouble not wanting to risk his chance of going to U.A. Besides he didn't care about my continued existence.

I tried my best to repress a scowl at the thought. He has always been selfish, but that wasn't important now. I was more concerned to know who saved me than be mad at Kacchan right now, that could wait until later.

"Do you remember who attacked you?" He asked bluntly, not bothering to keep up the nice act anymore. I couldn't say I cared, I wasn't used to people being nive to me, other than my mother of course.

"No." I lied, why? I wasn't sure, maybe because I wanted Kacchan to suffer like he made me suffer.

Him knowing I was able to end his career as a hero before it even began will probably burn him up inside or maybe it was because I still cared about him.

I wasn't sure which, but I decided to ignore my reasoning for now choosing to think about it later.

The doctor sighed annoyed before scowling at me, almost like he knew I was lying to him, but he didn't say anything. Why would he?

"What happened to my face?" I blurted out before I could stop myself.

I knew what happened, but what effect did it have? What did Kacchan's explosive rage cause?

"You were attacked, probably by a villain," I tried my best not to smile at that. Me calling Kacchan a villain is was what caused this, it was rather fitting if I think about it, if not funny.

"We did all we could, but it will leave a scar, but hey, it could have been worse you're lucky." I nodded, lucky? How was I lucky?

"Tell me if you remember anything." He said and as soon as he left I held my hand over my left eye again.

I was starting to feel some movement, at least the numb feeling was starting to fade, so at least I wasn't blind or I hoped I'm wasn't, but even I had to admit the doctor was right, in a twisted sence I was lucky, like he said, things could have been worse, but I wanted to get out of here and soon.

I wanted to talk to Kacchan, it will have to wait until I get out of course. I wasn't even sure what I'll say to him, what could I say? And how will he react to seeing me again?

I still wanted to know who saved me, who my hero was.

My thoughts went back to Kacchan, maybe this might make Kacchan change for the better...what a positively silly thought. He wouldn't change even if All might asked him to.


I have no idea how long I've been in the hospital. The only person to come and visit me was my mother and she wasn't the best with keeping track of time when under stress.


After a while I started to feel bitter. Why wasn't Kacchan here? He was the reason I was even here after all.

Mom said she was trying her best to convince him to come and visit, but no luck yet and what about my hero? The one who saved me?

They probably found out I was quirkless and didn't want anything to do with me.

They probably would have left me to die if they knew I was quirkless when they found me. I decided not to mention this to Mom. She was going through enough as it is, I didn't want to make it worse for her.


The doctor wanted to show me my scar now that the bandages were gone. I wasn't sure I wanted to see, the nurse screamed when she saw my face for the first time.

The doctor said she was new. He was a very good liar.

No one wanted to come near me, they didn't want to go near the freak with the messed up face and dead eyes.

I probably shouldn't listen in on the doctors conversations, some of the things they said actually hurt. They stopped talking after a while, to scared to come near me.

At least they didn't care that I was quirkless.

I saw my face, I didn't know how to feel, horrified? Relieved it wasn't worse?

The left side of my face had a burn scar, I was missing part of my ear, it was practically shriveled up and there was a dent in my nose, my upper lip was missing a piece so you could see my teeth. I had a lisp, it was actually annoying to hear myself talk.

Mom ignored it, so I did the same, out of sight out of mind, right? And it didn't even hurt all that much. That was probably the pain killers talking


Kacchan was standing at the door of my hospital room, Mom smiling at me from behind him.

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