J.M. - Surprise

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A bit of context before reading this please, The boys do not like you here I know they'd be more accepting in real life but it's an imagine, they still all live together not just Corbyn, Jonah and Eben, You guys met at a party which is one of the reason the guys don't like you because you met at a party. This I am now realizing is very judgmental and I am aware no one should have a mindset of this because it is offensive but for the sake of the story please go with it

"Good morning baby I'll be back in a bit." Y/n whispered to her sleeping boyfriend next to her. It was about 5 in the morning and she needed to call someone.

She kissed her boyfriend's forehead softly watching him smile in his sleep while she walked down the stairs with her phone.

She sat herself down on the couch, turning on her phone and calling the number of Esther to talk to her about a surprise she had for Jonah, unknowingly that a specific blue eyed boy walking down the stairs.

"Okay it's all set?...good remember hide it from everyone else...yeah...really?...I'll go there give me 15 minutes...okay...I love you so much...see you." Y/n said walking up the stairs bumping into Daniel.

"Hey Y/n who was that you were on the phone with?" Daniel asked suspicious of the girl. "Oh haha I was just talking to Esther." She chuckled nervously.

Y/n quickly went up to the Jonah's room changing into Jonah's shirt and some yoga pants before leaving the house. An hour or 2 of being at the Frantzich's residence she left for the guy's house.

She entered the house going up to Jonah's room seeing him sat on the bed his eyes red and puffy. "Baby what's wro-" I dropped all my things walking towards him getting cut of by him. "Don't say that you know what you did, you cheated on me Y/n I trusted you, gave you a spare key introduced you to my family. Was my effort all useless?" Jonah asked getting up.

"Jonah its not like that you have it all wrong let me explain please." She pleaded attempting to grab onto him before he slapped her. Hurt flashed in both their eyes before Jonah went back to anger in his face.

"Leave." Jonah simply said before exiting the room to cool off. Y/n sobbed harder walking towards her small duffle bag she brought from the other night and started packing her things leaving Jonah's shirts.

In the middle of packing she called the coffee guy. She had planned on surprising Jonah by getting someone deliver just enough coffee for everyone to last them an entire week before another person would deliver more coffee the next week while they were on tour.

Esther was part of it because it was paid when they deliver it so she gave Esther money enough for the whole tour.

"Cancel it Cancel everything." Y/n spoke to the guy trying her best to sound calm but attempting to make the call as quick as possible.

"I'm sorry ma'am we can't do that it's already listed on our schedules and planned out." The guy on the other end said.

Corbyn overhead a guy on the phone rolling his eyes that Y/n would go to the next guy that quick though as he heard the word surprise he stopped to listen.

"I can't just have my now ex receive coffee once a week he'll think I'm desperate." Y/n spoke out grabbing for her phone and stopped fixing her bag up.

"Ma'am all we can do is explain the situation to him" the guy on the other line. "I'll go over there at around 2 and give you a quick note to put into every basket until further notice." Y/n said grabbing her notebook and a pen.

"Yes I'll tell the person receiving it." Y/n replied covering the speaker with her ear while writing.

She hung up finishing the note, zipping her bag and walked towards the open door. Corbyn quickly passed by looking for Jonah. "Jonah!" Corbyn yelled for in the kitchen.

He paused for a second thinking of what he would say. "Listen to Y/n on tour." Corbyn said before leaving to go get some breakfast.

The next day passed Y/n was laying on her best friend's couch crying with a tub of ice cream and tea. "Christina thank you again" Y/n said still crying. "Shhhhh its okay babe it's why I'm here." She said rubbing her shoulders.

"Guys are you ready first day of tour let's gooooo!" Zach yelled about to enter the tour bus. "Delivery for Jonah Frantzich?" Some guy said holding a bag. "I'm Jonah but I didn't order anything." He said raising his house. "Wait Jonah I'll pay for it here." He hears Esther shout rushing through them giving him the money.

"Thank you." The guy said putting the money in his bag. "You had a good girlfriend." He added and with that the guy left.

Jonah opened the bag to see a hand written note that looked torn out of a notebook, a printed out card and a pack of his favorite coffee. He looked at the small printed one first.

"Hey baby I know I could have gone on tour with you but I didn't want the guys to hate me more so once a week for the whole tour you're going to be receiving a pack of your favorite coffee and I made sure it was just enough to make sure you get enough sleep that's why I didn't send it all at once. I love you remember that." Jonah read quietly tearing up.

He looked at the larger note now scared to see what it said. "I never cheated and I never would in the future but I believe it's for the best, my friends and family support it but I don't think yours does and before Esther, Svea, Zebulon and your parents come to mind I'm not talking about them I'm talking about your other 4 brothers. I love you Jonah and I was so sure you were the one but having to tolerate 4 people who don't like me everytime I go hang out with you is a bit too much. I don't blame them they're just looking out for you so I hope you enjoy the coffee because I sadly wasn't able to cancel the order." He read now crying.

"Esther where's Y/n?" Jonah asked his sister before she replied with, "Christina's. She took the bullet train yesterday." Esther replied quietly.

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