J.A. - Girlfriend

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This takes place in the boy's first home before they moved in with their family where they had that pool and view thing. Ya'll know what I'm talking about.


Y/n laid on the grass singing along to Girlfriend by Avril Lavinge. "I think we should get together now and that's what everybody's talkin' about." Y/n sang silently closing her eyes. "Hey hey you you I don't like your boyfriend no way no way I know it's not a secret." She hears someone continue and a weight beside her in the grass.

She opened her eyes slowly smiling at the curly headed boy who was just laying beside her singing softly looking up at the sky. "hey hey you you I want to be your boyfriend." Jack sings softly smiling at the end of the line before looking at Y/n.

"Hey Jack when did you get back?" Y/n asked prompting herself up with her elbows. "just a few minutes ago." Jack said smiling at her. "I missed you Y/n what happened to our friendship what happened to your so called platonic friendship with Daniel?" Jack asked sitting up properly.

"well we grew up and with growing up we grew apart and growing up along with growing apart means growing with someone else I guess it was easier for Daniel and You as well to live without me." Y/n says avoiding eye contact.

"Y/n, Y/n look at me." Jack calls pulling her head to face him. "our friendship is the longest both me and Daniel cherish a lot and it may seem like it was easy but I promise it wasn't, it isn't we missed you." Jack says to Y/n trying to stop the tears of Y/n.

"Maybe you did but Daniel didn't." Y/n said now sitting up staring at the sliding glass door where Daniel and R/n was just swaying back and forth with Daniel holding R/n in her waist behind her. "Y/n tell me when did you realize your feelings for Dani?" Jack asked getting Y/n's attention again.

She looked down at her feet and the grass, "I think I've liked him since 4th grade when he was there with you to comfort me when my hamster died but I only realized my feelings for him was in 8th grade the family pool party when Dani and I went swimming despite you saying not to go." Y/n explained looking back at Jack.

He chuckled with no emotion looking away in almost annoyance before looking back at Y/n. "I don't like R/n too. She's a very kind hearted girl and I have nothing against her but He should be with you." Jack says to Y/n. "If she's that nice why do you want him to date me instead of her?" Y/n asked chuckling a bit looking at the small view.

"I want you to be happy." Jack said taking her hand in his staring right at her. She looked back shock before she could reply Jack spoke up again. "I might not like R/n but do you know who I don't like more?" Jack asked still not looking away.

"Who?" Y/n whispered still in shock at his actions. "R/n and your boyfriend." Jack said bluntly. "He's R/n's not mi-" She starts before being cut of by Jack. "But you wish he was yours don't you? right? Aren't I correct?" Jack asked getting up. "I hate that." He said picking up a pebble and tossing it out anywhere he could.

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked looking up at him fearing his reply. "I wish you came for me. I wish you were supposed to surprise me. I wish you wanted to confess to me. Me not him." Jack said kneeling in front of Y/n.

Y/n sat there in shock while Jack continued speaking. "I was there I might have met you a year after Dani but what makes the difference I was there for you when your hamster died-" He starts. "So was Dani." Y/n cut in. "Yeah but I held you who agreed to your tiny funeral who comforted you growing up still sad about your first pet who didn't tease you when you cried over your hamster?" Jack asked. "You."

"who tried to make you wait to go in the pool so you wouldn't puke because you may not cramp but I know you're scared of those little shadows in the water you just finished eating meaning if you were scared you would have puked? Who encouraged you to go to college when you were avoiding Dani because of your feelings? Who set up those little moments to push you and him together? Who did all of that?" Jack asked about to break down in tears.

"You did, you did everything." Y/n said pulling Jack into a hug. "I don't think I'm over Daniel yet and I don't think my feelings for you are just platonic after what you said but I'm sure that I can't date you right now because my heart is still owned by someone else." Y/n said hugging him tightly.

He sat up pulling Y/n on his lap on the grass still crying and hugging. "I don't care I'd be flattered even if I was a 100th choice just knowing there's a possiblity to choose me makes me happy." Jack says still crying. "Hey Jack I just came to say that-" Zach says walking out to the yard seeing both of them. "I'll walk back inside." He said bluntly hurriedly walking back in.

They pulled away Y/n still on his lap. "I love you Y/n." Jack said kissing her cheek, "No matter how you feel about me." "I love you Jack and we'll be with each other soon I promise." Y/n said kissing his forehead hugging each other again.

and like I said Daniel wouldn't be the only one surprised.

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