C.B. - Crush

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Okay before starting I just want to get this straight whoever the boys date is non of our personal business the only thing we can do about it that the boys will appreciate is not to hate but to support their relationship. Now you are going to be reading some things here that slightly talks about their relationship and I am not including (Daniel's "Lover") because I don't want her name spread across even more I respect their relationship others should too.

Also even if its a Corbyn one shot thing I ship Corbina and love Christina so go buy TeenaSkincare's products to support her and buy tickets to her myb tour if you can.

Y/n walks down the stairs of her house about to leave. She grabs a small bag putting in her keys, wallet, phone, and anything else she felt like she needed like a random chocolate bar. She walks out of her house saying goodbye to her pets and walking towards her car.

She drove to her family's apartment, taking out her spare keys to the apartments. Sydnie, Ava, and Isla spot Y/n shushing her while Sydnie rocked Lavender to sleep. They get up slowly and greet each other moving on to her parents then walking towards Jack's bedroom.

She knocked gently receiving no answer before opening the door to walk in on Jack and Gabbie having a 'moment' Y/n raises her voice slightly louder than usual still careful to not wake the baby. "Jack Robert Avery and Gabriela Gonzalez soon to be Avery there are children and adults in this house that would rather not see this sexual act being done by both of you do it in private and lock the doors next time. You one adorable daughter we don't need another at the craziest time in your lives." She scolds while Jack and Gabbie puts a shirt one.

"I know we were supposed to hang out but I over scheduled so could we just all hangout with the guys and Gabbie while Sydnie, Ava, and Isla take care of Lav. We'll all have a family day including Gabbie and Lav another time." Jack explains.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

"We was up late to the daytime, She was movin' to the bassline." Daniel started singing while the guys, Gabbie, and Y/n shouted hey. "Big bubble, little waistline, Can't fit it all on the FaceTime." Daniel continues singing while the guys make this weird noise. "She said you don't even know if its real love better show me." Corbyn starts singing while everyone said Hey.

Y/n stared in awe at the boy thinking about how her feelings for him developed. They continued singing to songs until they reached six flags.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

They decided they'd sleep at Y/n's house picking the guy's girlfriends throughout the day. They were sat in Y/n's living room. They pushed the coffee table out the way so someone can lay on the carpet still able to watch the movie.

Jack and Gabbie were sat in the beanbag chair cuddling to the right facing the TV with a little craddle beside them with Lav sleeping. Jonah sat on a recliner while Tate sat on his lap laying against his chest to the left of the TV. Daniel sat on the couch beside Jonah facing the TV hugging his thighs against his chest. Zach sat on the floor his bag against the chair Daniel was sitting on his right side pressed against the long couch facing the TV his right leg up a bit while Kay layed on his chest, slightly sat up. Corbyn sat on one end of the long couch by Jack and Gabbie while Y/n sat on the other end by Daniel their feet stretched a bit.

They put in a comedy movie, everyone each having a bag of chips and some soda with their partner and blakets over their legs. They sat silently watching the movie, some laughs and sometimes talking to the TV. "I'm gonna get more snacks have some request?" Y'n asks getting up some asking for chips and others popcorn. She started walking towards the kitchen silently.

Corbyn turns around checking Y/n out while she walked towards the kitcken. "Dude if you have the hots for my sister go for it I know you wouldn't try anything you're terrible with being smooth." Jack says still holding onto Gabbie.

"I'll wait a while, it isn't our time yet." Corbyn says looking at Y/n in the kitchen. Smiling at her little bored dance while she microwave the popcorn.

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