Z.H. - Same To You

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Y/f/d - your favorite drink

D/y/h - drink you hate

Hey girl what's up what's on you mind Heard you moved on at least you're trying

Zach was Laying on his bed with y/n's contact displayed on his phone. The both of them had gotten into a fight, a brutal fight ending with y/n in tears full of bruises, Zach with a bloody fist, and both regretting each other's words, you can already tell they ended it; about 2 months ago

Packed up your things and drove for miles I had to smile

Zach had told her to "get lost." She nodded in response, still in tears, packing everything she owned in the boy's house. She moaned over the break up for the first month then her friends convinced her to go on a date she agreed even tho she wasn't completely or even slightly over Zach.

I know you can't sleep it's passed 3 And I'm still up get on the group texts Bout your ex cause I messed it up

He went on Facebook checking if she had her wifi on, she did. He checked the time being 3:29am he debated whether or not he should tell her to sleep, he decided not to. He was about to go to sleep until y/n's friend texted him, "why do you have to be such an asshole and hurt her and why does she still like you?!!" He smiled but felt guilty at the same time.

Heard you moved on well that's a lie

It was now 6 in the morning, Zach had to be at an interview at 8 so he decided to go to a cafe for a coffee and some cookies, the same cafe y/n and Brandon were eating breakfast at before school. Zach saw then once he entered both silent going through their phone's. Zach had signed and ordered his coffee.

Does he love like I do Touch like I do babe does it fell the same to you

Zach could tell the guy ordered her drink because it was d/y/h a drink y/n hated so he ordered you a y/f/d and told the barista to give it to her. He then proceeded to pay for his drink and y/n's drink then walked out.

Does he hold like me make you feel free Open your eyes and you will see

Y/n took her eyes off her phone once she saw the barista walking over to her table with y/f/d in her hand. "That guy ordered it for you." She said pointing at the Rosy cheeked boy walking over to his car. She thanked the barista, took the drink, sipped it, then read what was written on the cup "I saw your drink thought you'd like this❣." She smiled once again before Brandon grabbed the drink out of her hand and threw it.

All of the awkward situations holding his hand you wished was mine

"Let's go" he said grabbing his drink then grabbing the girl's hand, walking towards his car but not before telling the barista to never give y/n a drink unless ordered by him. Y/n sat in the car I'm silence holding one of Brandon's hands before he pulls away; putting his hand on her inner thigh, She chokes back a scream, and yelps. "What's wrong?" He asked clearly knowing why.

Does he love like I do touch like I do

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