J.A. - 2539 days

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I woke up on my bed to the bright light shining through my windows through the curtains. I look up at the ceiling, wandering through my both empty and full mind. I reach for my tablet beside me grabbing its stylus on top placing it on my chest while holding on to the stylus.

I sit up turning on my tablet checking my messages, emails, phone calls - just any form of communication. No messages in 2539 days. Everyday is always the same, same time, same place, same routine, same me only me. nothing changes. I've gotten used to it, being alone it doesn't bother me at least not anymore.

I stretch out my arms and legs then laying back down again holding my tablet against my chest looking out my curtained windows, nothing but white light and blurred views. it soon disappears before my eyes turning into nothing but pixilation.

I watch as my walls turn into a glass box still laying on my bed, I get up and jump on my bed still clutching onto my tablet and stylus before sitting down on my bean bag, I take a moment to think before starting to draw on my tablet.

slowly but surely everything around me changes into whatever came to my head that I was drawing. I got up and changed before laying back on my bed drawing, drawing mountains and bodies of water, ice burgs and plants. I drew different biomes everywhere. I drew waterfalls, canyons, ravines, valleys.

soon night time falls. I'm staring out of this glass box at the world I created in the darkness looking at the aurora before erasing it to bright daylight nothing but green fields surrounding every direction I look. I start to run, run through the fields before drawing tall rocks one I was stepping on. I hop down the rock walking over to the tree with a single swing and hold on to it about to sit until-

"Jack hold on tight okay? you might fall down and hurt yourself" a male voice speaks behind me. I turn around to see a male face before feeling myself smile and laugh. "I promise I won't get hurt."

I let go of the swing looking down at my hands in shock. Jack? that's, my...name. I look up from my hand outwards at the field in front of me. I smile at myself before continuing with my day.

I was laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling my hanging light before falling to sleep.

I stood at the top of a mountain of boulders surrounded by tall sticks of bamboo looking at nothing but it and the raining sky. I get down walking on at least an inch high of water.

drawing. drawing is what soothes me, calms me down more than anything. I look out at the sunset sitting on a giant ice burg swinging my legs on the ledge. loneliness can be depressing but at the same time beautifully painful in a way it just depends on how you look at it.

I was laying in the bath tub, relaxing, looking out of the little glass cube. A forest, a burnt up forest rocks taller than the trees, at least what's left of the trees, the sky a mix of pink, orange, white, purple, and whatever in between. beautiful and tragic is the only way I can describe it both mix well together but isn't necessarily a good thing.

I start to walk, walk through the path of sticks with gigantic pixels stuck at its few little branches aligned towards the cube. I walk, walked through it's long path in a coat, tears in my eyes.

sat up on one of the tallest tree's highest branch I sit and hug my feet looking out the 'world' if I can call it that.

I look out the window, white and blurry like always. No messages in 2578 days. I stare down at my tablet my drawing as blank as my mind before the a photo pops up. a photo of a neighbor a cute little neighbor white houses with black roofs, plants everywhere and aligned, clean roads and perfectly clean streets.

I get up from my bean bag looking around in shock and curiosity before I glow gold and transport into some kind of world.

I look over to see a little boy running outside of the house with a backpack, suddenly I'm falling, falling into a hole. I see nothing at first then suddenly I see videos, pictures, memories.

I see myself being attached to wires with my stuffed dog, a poodle. Dad no please don't, don't go!!! I kneeled in the darkness crying before I saw my tablet flash, a message.

I open it, eager to read it, wiping away my tears I start reading. it's a message from my dad, an explanation.

love. care. end of the world. life. death. beauty. pain. he explains everything his emotions, his plan, his reason.

even though I might be lonely, even though these memories will always be sad it will always give me strength, strength because of the shelter he's made over my head

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