Gabrielle (XXVI)

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(A/N: What's good, lovely readers? :D

So this is important, READ THIS AUTHOR'S NOTE!

This chapter is basically just me taking a shot at writing a sexual scene I think, and it's not a full on lemon, more like a lime. So if you don't want to read that type of stuff or want to save yourself from bad lime writing, you can skip this chapter. I wrote it so that you can skip this one and move to the next without missing anything. That chapter will be up soon.

If you're staying for all of it, bless you, lol. You the real MVP.)

July 30th

     "Can't sleep?"

     "No, not really."

     We've been laying in silence, Michael trying to fall asleep, and me trying to sort out how I feel. But I can't back out now. I said to myself that I would show him I love him, and I'm not backing out of this.

     I sit up, stradling Michael's hips.

     Michael looks at me, confused. "Gabi? What's up?"

     I take a deep breath, giving him a small smile. Here goes nothing.

     "I want to show you rather than tell you."

     Leaning down, I rest a hand on his cheek as I touched my lips to his. He deepened the kiss, his tounge flicking my bottom lip asking for entrance. His hands caress my thighs, and I felt my cheeks heat up when they slide dangerously close in between them.

     Breaking away for air, I run my hands across his chest under his tank, lightly kissing a trail upwards as I go. Michael let's out a light moan, and I pull his shirt the rest of the way off. I sat back, almost in a daze, staring at his chest.

     His vitiligo marks on his stomach were slightly more spread out than the last time I saw them, but he was still gorgeous to me. I blushed at how muscular he was, but still lean enough.

     I noticed Michael had his eyes closed, clutching his shirt as if waiting for me to gasp in disgust at his skin. Leaning down again, I kissed every mark, and opened his fist, intertwining my fingers with his. I hear him sigh in relief, reaching up and brushing strands of my hair out of my face.

     He shouldn't be nervous about his skin around me. I love him anyways.

     I hold my breath when I feel him slide his warm hands under my own shirt, sparks shooting through my skin everywhere he touched. Sitting up with me still on his lap, Michael kissed me again and, with a skill I didn't even realize he had, swiftly unclasped my bra and let it fall off my shoulders. My shirt came off after and I gasp, crossing my arms in front of myself.

     Michael shook his head, gently taking my wrists and spreading my arms apart, letting my chest out. His eyes catch mine, and all I can see is adoration.

     "You don't have to hide yourself from me."

     He leaned forward and trailed kisses down my neck, making me let out a soft moan. Heat pooled in my stomach as he reached my chest, laying his head of course on his favorite spot, right over my breasts.

     We kiss again, slowly falling back onto the bed and not breaking our hold on each other. Tension fills the room, and I shiver everytime his skin touches mine. I decided to try something Melanie had told me about, and started kissing the side of his neck. As I did, Michael's hands gripped my waist, his breathing getting heavier.

     That's when I felt how turned on he really was between my thighs, and I froze.

     Flashbacks to 10 years ago kept replaying in my mind, and I knew in my mind that this wasn't the same, my body wouldn't listen.

     My vision started to blur, and I whimper out loud. I didn't even realize I was shaking until Michael started rubbing my back and held my head to his chest.

     "Shhh, you're okay. It's okay."

     No matter how much I shook or tried to pull away, Michael stayed calm and kept rubbing my back, kissing my cheek a few times.

     We stayed like that for a few hours, but he didn't move once. Slowly, my anxiety started melting away. I was brought back to the present, and I look up to see him still there.

     Lifting my head, I softly kiss his cheek, and I rest my hand right over the button of his jeans. He wasn't ready to quit, that's for sure. Michael sucks in a breath once I do, and he looks in my eyes, silently asking me if I was sure.

     I lean up and whisper in his ear, "I'm ready."

     Stripping off the rest of my clothes, he does the same, and I kiss him hard. He kisses back just as hard, and pulls the bed sheets over us, getting on top. He takes his time, being as gentle as possible, and even though I'd never tell a soul, I felt a tear hit my cheek. There was no turning back now.

     I don't regret one second, because I know I can trust him with my heart.

(A/N: So, how was it? Comment, vote, y'all know the drill!)

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