Gabrielle (XX)

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(a/n: Got a longer chapter for y'all this time. :) I worked hard on this one, and it sets things up for the next few chapters, so enjoy!)

July 23rd

     I was getting my things together to leave Katherine's house since Michael told me he couldn't stay any longer this time around, knowing Joeseph would try to catch him before we leave. I sigh out loud; he's said pretty horrible things to me, but Michael's lived with him his whole life. I can't imagine how his childhood must've been. Just as I was getting wrapped up in my thoughts again, I heard a knock at the door.


     "Gabrielle? You in there?" I heard a soft voice say. Michael's mother came in after I called back.

     "Mind if I talk to you a minute before y'all head out?" she asks, moving over to sit on the bed.


     "Oh, of course not! Come in." I sat my backpack on the floor and sat next to Katherine on the bed.

     She immediately hugged me tightly. "Oh, Gabi, I am so sorry about what Joeseph said to you yesterday. Forgive me, I didn't know he would go off like that."

     "It's fine, really." I assured her. "I was just thinking, I feel bad for Michael though. He told me what Joeseph did to him."

     Michael showed me yesterday the gash on his chest from Joeseph hitting him to the ground; seeing that angry red mark on his skin made me want to punch Joeseph in his face.

     Katherine's face fell. "We're all worried about Michael. And for the life of me, I don't know why Joeseph is so hard on him. On all of the boys, really."

     "You didn't know?! But Michael said Joeseph's always been like this."

     She shook her head. "I only found out two years ago. I went to the store like usual, and I had forgotten my keys. When I came back inside this house, I caught Joeseph hit Michael so hard, I felt like I could feel that blow. I was furious! I kicked him out since, and he only comes by to see the kids and the grandbabies. He's gotten better in recent years. Well, I had had thought he had... "

     A few tears slipped down her cheeks, and I wiped a few away. "But why didn't you just divorce him?" I asked softly. "Why did you stay?"

     Kate was quiet for so long, I thought she wouldn't answer, but when she did I had to lean in to hear her.

      "That's what you do with people you love. You forgive them."

     I stared back at her. Love? Him? I know I'm just saying that because he was so awful to Michael, and I love Michael, but something like that was unforgivable. Then again, I don't know the reasons he has for doing it. Maybe he just wanted his kids to be successful. I don't know, but one thing I can relate with Kate about is the fact that we love someone enough to overlook anything they do. I saw Katherine in a new light just then.

     Katherine smiles at me with a wink. "Well, Imma get out your hair so you can finish packing. Make sure Michael keep his act together, alright? I don't want him to run off my future daughter-in-law."

     "K-Katherine!" I blushed furiously.

     "Oh baby, call me Mama." She pats my shoulder and stands up. With one last smile, she leaves the room. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

     'Guess how I feel about Michael isn't as much of a secret as I thought...'

     I left the room as soon as I was done packing to find everyone else. Nelson was probably already in the driver's seat in the truck while Melanie was still putting her eye makeup on. I went across the hall to find Michael in his old room, staring off into space.

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