Gabrielle (VIIII)

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June 15th


A few days pass, and I'm starting to get used to being back home with Nelson now. I'm curling my hair in the bathroom upstairs, just thinking. I've been getting along better with his friends, so that's a plus. Something about how since I'm Nelson's 'blood', that makes me their 'blood' too. I didn't really get it at first, but I guess that's a good thing.

I've even been getting closer with Michael. We just kind of clicked, excluding the first time we met of course. Nelson always teases me, saying that Michael and I are going to end up together, but I always deny it. I mean, I'm not all that interesting, and I'm just...average. From what I've heard from Bishop and Q, Michael can pretty much have any girl he wants in this entire city. He wouldn't want me.

Anyways, Nelson and I are going to a basement party with the rest of the guys later at some guy named King's house. Nelson says he and Michael used to be partners with King; for what, I have no clue. It could be fun though.

I finish getting ready and head downstairs to wait on Michael and the guys with Nelson. When I see him, I notice he has on his signature black wife beater, gold chain, and jeans. It was a basic look, but it worked for him.

"Hey Nelly, when are the guys getting here?" I say, sitting next to him on the couch.

He checks his watch. "In about 10 minutes. Don't worry Gabi, your boyfriend's on his way."

I jump up and smack him upside the head. "Oh shut up, I told you he's not my boyfriend!"

"He might as well be! Dude, Mike flirts with you so much I'm surprised he hasn't asked you yet. I mean, my boy's had some fucked up relationships in the past, but I can tell he'd give up his player card for you in a heartbeat."

I play with my fingers, thinking about what he said. Michael and I have been talking a lot lately, texting each other and all that. I don't know, I've never had a guy even be remotely interested in me, let alone a boyfriend, and I just... I just don't want to get hurt. Michael's probably just being nice because I'm his best friend's cousin.

Nelson looks over and sees me lost in my thoughts. "Look, I know you're scared at the idea of trusting someone like that, but I'm telling you, out of everyone I know, I trust Michael the most. He's good people, and I could tell from the first time he saw you, my nigga was sprung."

"I appreciate that, Nelly, but I don't like him."

He rolls his eyes at me and gets up from his seat on the couch. "Whatever you say, but damn near every hoe in town would love to have Mike, and will jump him the first chance they get. Don't wait too long, Honey." And with that, he heads to the kitchen.

I lay back on the couch, holding one of the pillows. Going back to Nelson's last comment, I couldn't help but feel down. He was right, Michael didn't have to wait around on me. He could get any girl with the snap of his fingers. So why would he pick me, no matter what I do?

It's whatever, though. I was sure I didn't like him that way.

Wasn't I?




Bishop and I were riding in my car on our way to Nelson's house. Q had a 'job' to do, so he couldn't roll with us to the party. So it was just us two on our way to pick up Gabi and Nelson.

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