Michael (XXV)

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July 29th


I don't even know what to say. I honest to God would have never thought anything like that could ever happen to someone like Gabi. She was so innocent. All this just seems unfair to me.

She avoids my eyes when she tells me. When I don't say anything back, Gabi speaks again.

"It happened 8 years ago, the same night my mom died. I don't remember much; my brain probably blocked it out or something, or at least that's what Melvin told me. But I'll never forget the smell of alcohol on his breath, and how he looked at me."

I run my hand through my hair, conflicted. So many questions ran through my head, but I didn't wanna be an ass and say the wrong thing. How do you deal when someone you love tells you they've been raped?

"How, uh, how did it happen?"

"Like I said, I don't remember much." Gabi sighs, absentmindedly playing with her fingers. "All I know is that my father left me at home alone to teach a bible study class, and my uncle came over. He did... that, and I was so scared I had a panic attack. When I came to, there was blood between my legs, a neighbor told me that it was my mom who was dead on the street, and Nelson was next to me, crying and calling 911."

She chokes a sob on the last word and I take her in my arms, holding her against my chest when she cried. I almost teared up myself at all the pain she's been holding inside for so long.

"Michael, he took the two most precious things in my life away from me!" she says through her tears. "He took EVERYTHING! I can't even have peace of mind anymore!"

I held her tighter and closed my eyes, not being able to look at the hurt in hers.

Now everything made sense. Like why on the first day I met Gabi and made her cry and run off, Nelson almost choked the shit out of me. And why she runs off when she's upset. The only people she's ever comfortable around are me, Nelson and the crew, and she hasn't been here since 8 years ago.

"Is that why your dad moved you away?"

Gabi nods, face soaked. "He couldn't stand staying there knowing that his wife died there. The house isn't even there anymore; he had it torn down."

I nod, trying to process everything she's told me. Looks like I have someone else to add to my hit list.

"I understand if you want to leave, you know." She says. "I'm dirty. I'm not even a virgin anymore. You don't deserve somebody with all this baggage." Gabi tries to get up from the bed, but I grab her tight.

"Gabi, listen to me, okay?" I hold her cheeks, bringing her head up to look in my eyes. "You are NOT dirty. You didn't ask for that to happen to you. No one expects their family to betray them, especially like that.

"And forget that baggage. I have my own, remember? I'm with you 'till the end, aight?"

She nods, her breathing finally slowing down. I lay back on the bed, keeping her close to my chest. I could tell she didn't want to talk about it anymore, and I don't blame her. I had more questions, but they could wait. Gabi's mental health is more important.

"He can't take what you don't want to give him, Gabi. Take your peace of mind back." I whispered. Trying something my mother always did when I was upset, I brushed the back of my hand against her cheek, wiping away some of her tears.

I know she heard me, and a few minutes later I hear light snoring. She's still tense, but at least I calmed her down enough for her to sleep.

While Gabi slept, my blood was boiling. It seems like everytime I turned around, someone else is trying to fuck around with what's mine, and I'm going to get some answers to my questions.

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