Gabrielle (XIIII)

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In loving memory of Trayvon Martin; I just heard the news when I was writing this chapter. May he find the justice he deserves.


June 27th


It's only been a week since Michael asked me to be his girl, and I couldn't be happier. We've been almost inseparable all week. Heh, Nelson flipped out like I knew he would, but mostly in shock. I mean, I'm 20 years old, and I've never been kissed until a week ago. I wouldn't trade it for the world, though.

Michael actually asked me on a date today, which would be my first one. I'm nervous and excited that all of this is happening, but I'm glad I'm doing it all with Michael. I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather be with.

I'm in mine and Nelson's room getting ready since Michael said he would be here around 2pm. Opening my closet and staring at what's inside, I realize I have no idea what to wear.

'He didn't even tell me where we were going... How am I supposed to know what to wear?!'

I settle on a red sundress and a gold belt around my waist with my 'Honey' chain and hoop earrings. I tousle my hair a bit, and check myself in the mirror. Oh wow, I actually look good today.

Satisfied with how I looked, I go downstairs into the kitchen to find Aunt Mattie, Nelson, and Melanie at the table, the latter two in a tight embrace.

I smile at them. They've really been through a lot in the past few years, and they're still going strong. They were made for each other.

Auntie smiles when she sees me in my dress. "Well hey there, Honey! You dressed real fancy today."

Melanie turns around and notices me in the doorway. "Awwwh! Gabi, you look good, girl! You goin' out with Michael today?"

"Yeah, I hope it goes well." I nod, giggling.

Auntie gets up and squeezes me in a tight hug. "My baby girl, going out on her first date! Now you know to call if you need me, you hear? You know I'll be there in a hot minute, no matter what -"

"Ma, calm down! You making her nervous." Nelson jumps in, noticing my embarrassed look.

"Really, Auntie! I'll be okay!" I laugh, hugging her back. Then I realized, I haven't talked to my father since I've been here. Maybe I should call and tell him about Michael.

"Hey Auntie, have you heard from my dad at all? I really want to tell him about my date."

She thinks for a minute confused, then shrugs. "Nope, I can't say that I have. I don't think he's called since you've been here." She frowns when I get a dejected look on my face. "I'm sorry, baby girl. He'll call."

"No, it's alright. I was just curious..."

That's strange, my father usually would've called by now. I'll have to try when I get back.

"He probably too caught up with all those church hussies." Nelson scoffs. "Ain't never had no time for anyone, not even for his so called wife. Some father."

I stiffen at the mention of my mother, and Auntie scolds him, but we both know what Nelson said was true. Nobody can take my father away from that church.

Just then, someone knocks on the door. I jump up, a big smile on my face, and run to the door to look out the peephole. 

'Gah! It's Michael!'

"Hi!" I nearly rip the door off the hinges I'm so excited. I see Michael dressed in his signature black wife beater with a chain and jeans. 

I blush in embarrassment. "I didn't know this was THAT casual. I should go change -"

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