Michael (IV)

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June 9th



'I love bad bitches that's my fuckin' problem, and yeah I like to fuck I got a fuckin' problem...'

My arm shoots out to hit the snooze on my phone. Damn, it's morning already. I yawned and just laid out on my bed for a bit, thinking of what to do today.

'Guess I'll go bug my nigga Nelson today.'

I hopped out of bed and went down the hall to the bathroom to take a shower. Hmph, I wonder if the rest of the crew done got their asses up yet...

After I finished I threw on a black wife beater and some sweats, then grabbed my phone and keys and hopped in my Escalade. I pulled up to Nelson's house in about 10 minutes, seeing Q and Bishop's cars already out front. I get out, locking the doors, and start walking up his long ass sidewalk.

          "BOY! Get yo' butt up and clean this room! I'm not fixin' to tell you again!"

          Damn, his mom's already yelling at him this early. I can hear her all the way outside.

          I laugh to myself as I walk up and knock on his door. I can hear Nelson grumbling to himself until he sees me standing outside the door. He smiles and unlocks the door, letting me inside.

          "Ay Mike, what's good?" He says, holding his hand out for our handshake.

          I return it and give him a bro hug. "Not much, man. Ain't got nothing to do, so I thought I'd come by and hang with yo lame ass." I joked with him, messing up his hair.

          Nelson smacks my hand away. "Man quit! I just got this shit perfect, damn..." He says, trying to fix his hair back.

          We make our way into the living room and I see Q and Bishop already playing GTA on his PS3. They barely look up to say 'sup before going right back to the game. I swear these niggas are addicted to this game...

          "Boy, if you don't get -" Nelson's mom stops when she sees me in the room. "Michael! I haven't seen you in a good while, come give me a hug boy!"

          I smile and run over to get one of her bone-crushing bear hugs. "Ay, I missed you too Auntie."

          Mattie, who we all call Auntie, was like a second mom to us since we were always at her house to get away from everything for a while. She's a short, loud woman, only reaching my chest, with black, peppered shoulder length hair and a pretty face. She's got a lot of sass, but she's the sweetest woman I know besides my own mother.

          She kisses my cheek then turns to Nelson. "Now I want that back room cleaned, Nelson. Yo cousin's coming to stay with us for a while." She says, smiling when she sees his reaction.

          Nelson's whole face lights up at the mention of his cousin.

          "For real ma? Gabi's coming?"

          She nods. "Mhmm, she not going to want to see yo nasty ass room for her first time back home, so go clean that room!"

          He hardly hears her as he kisses her cheek and rushes past us to his room.

          I just shake my head at his crazy ass. This Gabi person must be special for him to be running around like it's Christmas.

          "AYE NIGGA WHAT'S GOOD?!"

I flinch, startled. Fuckin' Bishop and his loud ass.

"Nigga quit yelling! I'm right here!" I yell back.

          Q and Bishop come up behind me and both of them give Auntie a hug and kiss her cheek, Bishop getting slapped in the back of the head while they're at it.

"Boy don't yell in my house!" She snaps. "And Nelson's cousin is coming to stay with us and we getting the house ready, so y'all need to go." She gets a faraway look in her eyes. "Such a sweet lil' thing, you would think she was Nelson's sister rather than his cousin."

Bishop licks his lips at that. I swear he does that more than LL Cool J.

"Is she fine? You know, I could make her feel REAL welcome..."

          Auntie smacks him again. "Hush you horn dog! Now y'all not fixing to treat my baby girl like these fast ass girls on them streets. She's shy, and she been through a lot these past few years. Now go!" She goes to push us out the door.

"Ay Auntie, what you pushing us out for?!" I yell. "We want to meet her, too. Don't you love us?" I pout and give her my best puppy dog eyes, but she's not budging.

"Y'all can meet her tomorrow. I want my baby girl settled and comfortable before she meets yo crazy selves. Now I'm not going to tell you again, boys!"

For a short woman, she's able to push all three of us out the door and slams it after us.

It's silent for a minute. Then Q's quiet ass finally speaks.

"Y'all want to hit the streets?"

Bishop and I stare at him for a minute, then burst out laughing. I nudge his shoulder. "Fuck you mean Q? Hell yeah we about to go out! Might even pick up a honey or two..."

Bishop shakes his head at me. "Man, leave some for the rest of us! You done damn near slept with every girl on this side of town."

I smirk back at him. "Well then, I guess we got to go down to the other side."

They both smile and nod in agreement, and all three of us hop in my car and roll out.

This is going to be a wild ass summer.

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