Gabrielle (XXIII)

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July 27th

     (A/N: Some fluff to get you through 'till the next chapter. :)

     I woke up with a slight headache, feeling a weight on my chest. I looked down and saw Michael asleep with his head on my chest, and I smiled lightly to myself. That would be his favorite place to lie down. Pervert.

     Looking around, I see that I'm still in the hospital. It seems like I'm always going to be in here, especially since I met Michael. I'm almost surprised I wasn't in here before, knowing what I do now. There's still a scar on my arm from when we were shot at last week, and I don't think it's going away anytime soon, if at all. But I don't blame Michael for anything. I'm with him for the long haul.

     I raised my hand to gently run my fingers through his hair. Studying his face in the moonlight that shone through the window, I frowned when I saw the bags under his eyes. He must not have been sleeping well since I've been in here. Michael was too busy worrying about me.

     Thinking that made me feel a thousand times worse. I compared him to Joeseph before, but someone who cares this much about his woman like Michael does can't be anything like him.

     I brushed my hand across his cheek and his eyelids flutter open, his deep brown eyes looking right at me.

     "Sorry," I whispered. "Did I wake you up?"

     He shook his head, still laying on my chest. Michael held the hand that was on his cheek and kissed it, making me blush.

     "I'm just glad as hell you're okay. You are, aren't you?"

     I nodded back, and silence took over. His eyes never leave my face, but I don't feel as nervous as I normally would. Once I see the worry in his eyes, I knew what I had to say.

     "Michael, I'm so sorry!"

     His eyes widen and he raises his head. "Sorry? What for?"

     "Everything!" I said. "For hurting your feelings, not listening to you, all of it. I just didn't want any secrets between us. I understand if you're mad, but I --."

      All of a sudden Michael cuts me off with his lips on mine. When he pulls away, he holds my face in his hands gently, looking me in my eyes.

     "What in the hell are you talking about, girl? I'm the one that should be saying sorry to you. I know you was just angry, and should've told you straight from the jump what I was doing, and I got you caught up in my shit. I'm so sorry, you don't even know, Gabi. Can you forgive me?"

     I saw him look so crestfallen, but I pretended to think about it, just to make him sweat a little. He did keep something pretty big from me. A few seconds later, I smile and kiss him again.

     "I already have."

     I laugh when Michael gives a huge sigh of relief. He climbs into the bed next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and letting me rest my head on his chest this time.

     "Things were easier before, weren't they?" I sigh. I feel his chest vibrate when he grunts in response, softly rubbing my arm where my scar is. A comfortable silence comes over us again.



     I started playing with my fingers. "You remember when we first met, and you took me with you to play basketball?" I felt him nod against my cheek. "Can we go back sometime?"

     "Of course we can." He says, smiling at the memory.

     "And CandyCity? Can we go back there, too?"

     "Wherever you wanna go, baby." Michael kisses my cheek softly, his lips warm against my skin. "I promise I'll take you there. I'm sorry you even got into this mess."

     I shake my head. "Don't be. I'm not going anywhere, okay? I love you."

     I could practically feel his happiness radiate off of him, and I can't help but giggle when he shifts us around so that his head is back on my chest. I hugged him close to me, and that's when I heard him say it.

     "I love you more, Gabi. I mean that."

     Tears pooled in my eyes. He didn't have to tell me that; I know how hard it is for him to say things like that.

     My heart bursts out of my chest and I hug him even tighter, not caring that I was almost suffocating him with my boobs. He loved it anyways. I kissed him hard, and I felt him smile against my lips.

    I had the most peaceful sleep of my life that night, just for the simple fact that I know for sure now that the man I loved, loved me back just as much.

(A/N: He finally said it! So every chapter is important, and sorry it's so short, but this chapter is special, because now Michael & Gabi's relationship is solidified. But is it enough for what's coming ahead? *dun dun dunnnn*

Also, part two is almost over. There's only this and Part three left to go, and let me tell you, it's a rollercoaster ride even for me. The bonus chapters at the end will be the same way, I'm telling ya.

Anyways, comment, vote, & all that jazz! Thanks for reading!)

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