Chapter 17

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Things were going okay for a while. The trio of Mixed-Souls and I were talking about their life in the forest. I couldn't hold back my fascination for it. I mean, imagine living in the forest your whole life, training to be a warrior? How cool is that??

"So you're saying, every year, you guys have a competition to see who's the better hunter?" I asked.

"Kinda" John replied. "Our King picks our teams randomly, most of the time its four or five W.I.Ts in each team."

I nodded understandingly. "What does W.I.T stand for?"

"It means Warrior In Training," Michael told me.

We all stayed silent for a few moments, not knowing what to talk about anymore.

Ginger sneezed but sounded like she coughed.

"Bless you?" I said though it was more of a question.

"Yo, what was that? Are you dying or something?" John asked.

"I don't even know what that was honestly." She admitted.

Michael grinned. "Well that was random, just try not to wake up Kiana or we're all dead."

John sat up. "Oh that's right, I've been meaning to ask you."

I turned to him.

"How come you and Kiana are traveling together?"

I looked away, a bit guilty.

"It's my groups' fault. When they came to save me, they woke up Kiana, who alerted the clan before we ran away."

"Yeah.. that makes sense then." Ginger said quietly. "When I saw what was happening the King was yelling at her to go after 'them' though I didn't know what he was talking about at the time. After she ran into the forest and that was when she went missing.."

"You guys thought she went missing?" I asked.

"Yeah. Everyone thought she was captured or something."

"Well, from my point of view, when she caught up to us, she threatened to hurt my friend. She tried to make a trade but I ended up knocking her out.."

I looked down, guilty. Mike put a hand on my shoulder.

"What happened after?" He asked.

"W-We were walking by my house when she woke up. She was flailing around so I dropped her, and she ran away. My dad told me to run after her, and I did."

"When I caught up to her, she was at the edge of a cliff, almost about to fall, so I tried to help her. I was going to, but that was when my dad came. The ledge we were on was cracking when my dad was walking to us, and at one point it broke. I tried holding on, but it wasn't easy doing it with one hand since I was holding Kiana with the other."

"Then that part of the ledge broke, dropping me and Kiana into a river. While almost drowning, we ended up at this one spot where nobody's been to before apparently, went to the cave, you guys came, we did things, and here we are."

They stayed quiet, taking it all in.

"That- somewhat makes sense?" Michael murmured. I shrugged.

"Well, it makes more sense when you actually go through all that," I told them, scratching the back of my neck in a nervous manner.

"Well, we're just glad you both aren't hurt," Ginger remarked. "And that you're a human who means no harm."

"Well, I'm kind of the only one who means no harm from what I know. My dad is dead set on capturing a Mixed-Soul just to sell them for money, which we already have."

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