Chapter 14

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As soon as I woke up, I looked around. Kiana was awake already, and she was using a crystal to heal herself.

"Hey," I said, yawning. "When did you wake up?"

She looked behind her, right at me. "A few minutes ago actually. I feel better than before honestly."

" Yeah, same here. "

I looked at the green-colored crystal she was holding.

"Doesn't healing take away energy?" I asked.

"Well," she started. "When it comes to healing with a crystal, no, it doesn't. That's the good thing about this place."

"Oh, okay."

I stood up, surprisingly not feeling the pain from my leg that I was trying to ignore.

"My leg.." I started.

"I healed it while you were still asleep. Of course, I used a crystal. There is no way I'd be able to heal a broken leg in a few minutes without serious practice, which I obviously don't have.

She was about to speak again when we heard the walls rumble.

"W-What's happening??" I asked, starting to panic again.

"I-I don't know.. I think somebody's coming inside!" She told me. "Hurry Aiden! You have to hide! Whoever it is will kill me if they see me with you!"

"Well, where can I hide?!"

She pushed me to the tree of crystals.

"There, behind it"

"Wait what?? They'll find out I'm here for sure!"

"Just go! It's thick enough and there isn't any other place!"

I hid behind the tree reluctantly, then watched Kiana as she stood there, waiting for whoever was coming.

A while later, a group of Mixed-Souls walked into the room but froze as soon as they saw Kiana. I immediately recognized the one in that back as Brandon. That got me a bit nervous, considering how strong he was.

"Kiana!" The one I recognized as Michael yelled, running and tackling her into a hug.

"Hey Mike," Kiana said, happy to see her friend, but also a bit nervous.

"Well, would you look at that. The two lovebirds finally together again." One of them said.

Michael pulled away from Kiana and looked behind him at his friend with a sour look.

"I told you, John, we don't see each other like that." He turned to Kiana once more. " Right? "

She shook her head.

"Thank God. I still think you're pretty, but it would be kind of awkward if that kind of relationship was between us."

Kiana giggled a bit. "Good thing we're still friends though."

"Yeah, because then who would be able to show me the tree sap gum trick?" Mike laughed.

"Oh wow. You always think of food, don't you? How is it that you shove truckloads of food into your mouth and never gain a pound? You're not even a true Mixed-Soul" The other female said in a playful tone.

"Oh I'm offended. How dare you call me a not-true  Mixed-Soul, Ginger? You're not a true warrior yourself" Mike said with a smirk. Ginger gasped obnoxiously.

"That's it, you wanna go??! Come on man square up! Fight me!!"

Michael made a square with his fingers and walked towards her stupidly.

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