Chapter 7

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Aiden's P.O.V

Kiana and Brandon both looked startled when we jumped through the bushes. I noticed that Kiana was glaring at me. No doubt she remembers me. Suddenly I felt guilty of attacking them like this because of how she helped me get the backpack. Then Oliver's dad pointed his gun at Kiana and my dad pointed his gun at Brandon.

"Don't move you two, or else we'll shoot you," Dad said to them.

The Mixed-Souls gripped their weapons tighter.

"Drop the weapons"

"We don't take orders from anyone other then our king or older clanmates" Brandon growled.

"So you have a king eh?" Dad said, acting tough, "Take us to him."

Kiana and Brandon exchanged glances. Then they looked back at us.

"Not a good idea," Brandon said.

"And we aren't going to tell you where our camp is," Kiana added. "That would be extremely stupid."

Brandon nodded in agreement.

"Fine" Dad grunted, "I suppose you two will be enough"

"Wait... what do you mean us two are enough?" Kiana asked.

"Well, we're going to sell you, obviously." He replied, "Probably to some scientists or something. We'll make a ton of money off of you."

She took a step back.

"oh no. We aren't about to let you do the same thing your kind did to BloodFang." Brandon snarled, stepping in front of her protectively.

BloodFang? Who the heck is BloodFang? I've never heard of that name before. And whoever that is has a scary name.

"Whatever. Anyways, you have three seconds to surrender yourselves to us, or else we'll take you by force." Dad said.

Before the two Mixed-Souls could react, Dad said, "Times up". Then he fired the gun at them. Since Kiana was a Royal, and she had super speed, it was easy for her to dodge it. Brandon though, he had to scramble the side. Then Kiana threw the knife. It missed, but it caught my dad and Oliver's dad off guard. She held out her arm, and the knife flew into her hand. Then she quickly ran to Brandon, grabbed his arm and ran off.

"Ugh! Aiden! Go after them! You too Zoë!" Dad yelled.

"What?!" we both said.

"Go after them!" he repeated.

"Ugh, c'mon Zoë," I said, running in the direction they escaped from.

We somehow caught up to them though. I sprinted, and when I was right behind him, I grabbed Brandon's other arm. He turned around and swung his arm, attempting to punch me in the face, but I ducked.

Then I shot my leg up and hit him in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground. Kiana turned, and when she noticed her friend was on the ground, she glared at me. She swung her hand, even though she was pretty far from me.

But then something weird happened.

The second she swung her hand, the wind picked up and pushed me to the side so hard I was flying. I landed, and when I got up, which was painful, I stared at them. Brandon got up, then Kiana threw her knife again, and this time, it scratched my arm.

I moved though, and just in time too because if I didn't, the knife probably would've stabbed me. I stared at my arm, which had a huge scratch on it. I didn't really feel the pain, but I was probably going to feel it later. Once again though, the knife flew back into Kiana's hand.

I can't beat the two of them, so where's Zoë? I noticed she was right behind Brandon. She lifted her elbow, then she jabbed Brandon in the neck with it. Once again, Brandon fell to the ground. Kiana spun around and stared at Zoë, startled of the sudden appearance of her.


Kiana's P.O.V

It totally caught me off guard when this girl just appeared out of nowhere behind me. She ran at me and punched me in the face. I fell, and when I landed, I rolled over and rubbed my jaw. Ow. I got up quickly, realizing how vulnerable I was laying on the ground. I turned to the girl and gripped my knife tighter, saying that if she attacks, I'll attack too.

Then a small rock or a pebble hit the back of my head. I looked behind me, glaring at that one boy that I never should've helped, which was a mistake because the girl in front of me tackled me, causing me to drop my knife.

I looked at her and struggled to get free.

She put her hands on my throat, choking me and making me struggle more.

"Come help me!" She said. The boy came pretty slowly. He kneeled beside me and looked at me with sympathy.

"Take your hands off her throat," he said to the girl.

She looked startled. "But your dad said-"

"I don't care what my dad said!" he told her, looking her straight in the eye. A silent message passed between them, but I couldn't tell what it was. She let go and got off me. I sat up almost immediately, scooting back from them. I hit something, so I looked behind me and saw I hit the foot of a tree.

I looked back forward, only to see the two people walking towards me. They kneeled beside me on either side, so I couldn't escape. And yeah, I know I could've escaped from the middle, but I couldn't move. I was frozen from fear.

"Hey.." the boy said softly.

My gaze snapped to him.

"We aren't going to hurt you"


Aiden's P.O.V

When she looked at me, I could tell she was absolutely and completely terrified. She was slightly trembling, her ears were flattened on her head, her tail was in between her legs, and her eyes were wide. I'm guessing she's never been this close to people before. She probably thinks we were going to kill her.

"Hey, we aren't going to do anything to you. We promise." I said gently.

I reached out my hand, but she flinched and blocked her face with her arms.

"D-d-don't h-hurt me p-p-p-please...." she stammered.

"We won't," Zoë said.

Then we heard a gunshot that made Kiana jump. A second later Dad and Oliver's dad came through the bushes.

"They probably will though" Zoë noted.

"I see you caught us the girl," Dad said, impressed. "Good. She is way more valuable than the other one". He looked disapprovingly at Brandon, who lay unconscious on the floor.

That scared Kiana. She quickly got up, but I grabbed her arm. She looked at me, silently pleading to let her go. Then she looked in the direction of my Dad and instantly got more terrified than she already was.

I looked, and Dad was walking towards us. When he was about ten inches away from us, she kicked me in the face, making me let go of her arm. She ran to where her knife was, picked the weapon up, and faced us.

"S-stay back," she said, while I rubbed my face.

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