Chapter 13

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When I woke up from a long night, I stretched, the feeling being the best I've felt since I first met Kiana.

I looked next to me and almost jumped out of my skin. Kiana was laying right next to me, hugging my arm.

I was about to wake her up, but stopped, because she looked like she was in pain. She started squeezing my arm and whimpered. I saw tears run down her face.

"N-no....stop!" She murmured. "Please... D-don't do this...."

Then, without warning, she shot straight up, screaming.

"Are you okay?!" I asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She didn't reply, nor even shoot me a glance. Whatever her nightmare was about, Kiana was really shaken up from it.

Honestly, Dean would be like, "Boy, you sure look really le shooketh!".

I smiled a bit from that thought.

I shook my head and focused back on Kiana. I started petting her head with my free hand, and I kid you not, Kiana actually seemed like she liked it.

She leaned into my touch, closing her eyes as she did so. Though she was still trembling slightly.

'Oh my god, she reminds me of a house cat!" I screamed in my head. 'Cute!'

"Hey..." I said softly. "You okay Shadow?"

She moved away and stared at me. Then nodded slowly. I noticed something.

She was still holding onto my arm.

"By any chance....just a wild thought... can you let go of my hand?" I asked.

Kiana tilted her head, looked down, and when she realized that she was holding my hand, she immediately let go.

I saw her face turn a light shade of pink, but she turned away as soon as we made eye contact.

we stayed in awkward silence for a few seconds, when all of a sudden, I said, "Hey, can you switch to your panther form please?"

She looked at me and tilted her head again.

"Why?" She asked skeptically.

"I want to try something out," I said. "You might like it since you liked it when I petted you. By the way, has anyone ever told you to have soft your hair is?"

"N-no?" She stuttered.

Either way, she went into her panther form and stared at me, standing up.

I reached for her head, but she backed away a bit.

"I'm not going to hit you. Please. Trust me." I told her. She braced myself as I reached for her head again. To her surprise, I started stroking her head again. I stopped all of a sudden.

"This might seem weird to you or something, but can I hug you?"

"H-Huh? W-w-why..?" She stammered, her face turning a bit of a darker shade of red.

"Please. Your fur is so soft.."

" I-I... I guess? "

Immediately, I hugged her. She stayed right where she was, frozen.

I pulled away, then started petting her again, except this time, behind her ear.

She flopped on the ground and started to purr loudly. And I mean very loudly. Her leg started kicking a bit, and I smiled. Now I know where her favorite spot to pet her is at.

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