Chapter 3

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Aiden's P.O.V

Everyone was silent as we ran back to where we first started. I couldn't really believe what just happened, almost dying by that Mixed-Soul and his sword and all. I wonder what's happening with them right now since that other group that they called a "LavaClan Patrol" was with them when we left. And they did not look friendly.

"Hey, guys...." Oliver said suddenly.

"Yeah, son?" his dad asked.

"I uh... I kind of forgot my um, backpack..." he answered quietly.

"Who cares? We all could've died from those animals." My dad interrupted.

"No, yeah, I know, but it had my phone and my...."

"You're what?"

"My... um......."

"What did you have in there Oliver?"

We stopped running and stared at him, then he mumbled something that I couldn't understand.

"You're what?" Dad asked.

More mumbling.

"Oliver," I said, "Just tell us. It's not like we are going to get mad or something"

"Okay fine. It had it had my teddybear," he said quietly. His teddybear?? Who brings a teddybear hunting? We all got silent and stared at him.

"Why would you- ugh, just forget it, Oliver, we can't stay in these woods any longer, and you know it!" His dad said.

"No please! That teddybear means the world to me!" He cried. I felt bad for him. I knew that he loved that teddybear he called "Fuzzy". He's had him for 14 years. Oliver is 15 by the way, like me. A childish 15-year-old that is.

I sighed. *Welp.*

"I could go get the backpack," I said suddenly.

"No son." Dad said sternly, "You already could have died once, and I'm not taking any more chances"

"Dad doesn't worry, I'll be back." I reassured him, "Besides I'm faster than all of you guys, so it will only take a couple of minutes."

"But we don't have a couple of minutes!"

"I'll be really quick! I promise."

We stared at each other for a couple of seconds.

He looked at me uncertainly.

"Are you sure..?"

I nodded.

"Okay, but PLEASE be careful," he told me.

I turned around and sprinted back towards the clearing we left, hoping that the backpack was still there, and hoping that I wouldn't get caught as I ran.

*like about, 10 minutes later"

I stopped running after a few minutes because I got super tired. Looking around, I made sure no one was near me.

Then I looked forward and noticed something. It looked like a blur speeding towards me, and it was close to me too. I was about to turn around and run when something hit me at full force.

I crashed to the ground, and the last thing I saw was the sky and some treetops for a second, then everything went black.

*3 minutes later*

Am I dead? I asked myself.

I slowly opened my eyes and lifted my head a little. Dead? Nope. Definitely not dead. In terrible pain? Yep. Definitely in pain.

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