Chapter 9

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Zoe's P.O.V

I tried to scream while these guys held me back, but couldn't because of how a hand was covering my mouth. What..what's going to happen to us? Will they kill us?

I moved my head slightly, looking up at one of my captors. He looked forward, smiling evilly as he watched my other friends and their dads get captured. I jabbed my elbow backward, hitting the guy I was looking at in the stomach. He mewed and let go of me, clutching his stomach, and I faced the other dude. Surprisingly, he looked younger than me. He looked at me, terrified, but he didn't let go, in fact, he squeezed my arm tighter. I stared at him threateningly. Then I kicked him in the leg so hard I made him fall. Okay, so maybe I felt a little bad, considering that he's probably younger than me by a few years. But he was a Mixed-Soul. And he was attacking us. So I guess I can't take pity on him. Anyways, I quickly turned to leave when he suddenly came out of nowhere and tackled me.

"Ack!" I yelled as I fell. When I connected with the ground, I quickly rolled over, trying to get this kid off me.

"Get off me you stupid furball!" I scowled.

"No!" He said. "I have to prove my worth to the king!"

I tried kicking him off, but he held on, so I rolled over, squashing him. He squeaked and let go, and I quickly got off.

I frantically looked around to see if I could find my friends and their dads, and I did. Oliver completely surrendered over fear, Aiden was badly hurt but was still fighting, and their dads we're sided by side as they shot their guns.

Then I felt a hand grab my arm, so I looked behind me, expecting to see that small kid, but it wasn't him. It was the guy who ordered the Mixed-Souls to attack us. What did the boy call him? King? He noticed me looking at him, so he glared down me. I flinched, seeing the anger and evilness in his eyes.

A cloud of black smoke appeared around him but disappeared just as quickly as it came. The "King" was still glaring at me, but when I saw him again, I almost jumped out of fear. He looked like an anime kind of person animal creature. Like those things that are like, werewolves (or werecats in his case) but had the same body structure sort of, same hairstyle, that kind of thing. But definitely had cat features everywhere. And I mean everywhere. And his eyes were glowing bright red.

He grabbed the collar of my shirt with his left arm and raised his right arm, and it was only when he unsheathed his claws that I realized what he was about to do. As his arm came down, I braced myself. I felt the most horrible pain I've felt in six months as his claws scratched across my face diagonally. I yelled from pain, catching everyone's attention.

"Zoë!" I heard Aiden yell. The King let go of me, and I fell to the ground.

"Take her," The King said. Take me? For what? To be killed? Held hostage? I hope neither. I felt hands grab my arms,  forcing me up when Aiden yelled.

"No! Let her go!" He said. The King looked at him. He had a look in his eyes as if Aiden were another person. I looked at Aiden. He had a determined facial expression, and had blood all over him, which was from either him or the people he was fighting. Or both. He glared at the King when suddenly, the King spoke.

"Kill him." He said coldly and evilly.

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