Chapter 16

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Michael's P.O.V

"What's up?" Aiden asked.

"It might be a good idea if you go find your dad... alone," Kiana said quietly.

Aiden sat up, wide-eyed.

"What? Why?"

"Because. It's bad enough I hurt you earlier. As a bonus I almost got you killed!"

"But you didn't. It was obvious you would have fought to keep me alive too."

"Still. Though Brandon was pissed, he was right about one thing. Those dumb enough to befriend me have to suffer..."

I perked up. "That's not true!" I said quickly.

"Yeah it is! You guys got attacked by wolves because of my stupid decisions! I was being an idiot at that time, and you guys got hurt. You said so yourself that I was the cause of it!"

"Hang on, first of all, don't bring that up again, we agreed on it because of what happened between us, second, it wasn't your fault! I was just mad, which caused me to say stuff I didn't mean!"


"Hold on hold on." Aiden interrupted. "I need to make something clear."

We all stared at him, waiting for him to say more.

He cleared his throat, then stared at us real seriously.

"I don't wanna be alone!!!!" He wailed.

'Seriously? That's all?' I thought. 'Then again, I wouldn't want to be alone somewhere I didn't know either.'

"Yeah, noted, but you might have to unless you want to get hurt!!"

"I won't get hurt! I trust you!"

"No you don't! I saw the way you looked at me when Brandon said those things about me!"

"Yes I do! I only looked that way because I thought what he said was unbelievable! If I didn't trust you, it would only be because I literally just met you!!"

They both fell silent.

"You know, Aiden has a point." Ginger said into the silence. "And anybody would have had the same reaction if someone told them the same things Brandon blabbered. It's not your fault Shadow."

She stayed silent.

Aiden's P.O.V

I walked over to her and placed my hand in her shoulder, which made her flinch.

"Look at me," I said softly. She looked up, making eye contact with me.

"I trust you, Shadow. And I will keep trusting you no matter what. If anything happens, just know that I'll forgive you. So please.. will you stay with me?"

She stayed silent for a few moments. Then, she finally nodded her head slowly.

"Right.... sorry you guys... I just.. I guess I let Brandon's words get to me." Kiana said, guilt in her voice.

The others just smiled, me doing the same. Carelessly, I gave Kiana a hug. She didn't resist.

"Now, I'm currently dying of hunger, so like, can we get some food?"

Michael's stomach growled so loud that it echoed throughout the room. It wasn't that impressive since the room was small, but still.

"Dude, I swear your stomach is trying to tell you something," John said, smirking.

"Oh shut it, and I'm hungry too. Want to go hunting with me, Ginger? I don't want to be alone."

"Ooh do I sense a new ship?" Johnathan purred. Michael's face turned red, and a light shade of pink was on Ginger's.

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