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Hero's POV...

The hard rain beats against the window, slowly streaming down the glass and onto the concrete below. The night is somber, but my heart is complete wreckage.

"I don't want to do this anymore," her voice replays inside my head. It's on a constant cycle and it won't stop regardless of how many times I've tried to press pause.

I sit on the floor, looking out into the dreary sky. It's quite ironic how the weather shifted from a bright and sunny day to a wet and thunderous evening.

"Hero, I-I don't want to do this anymore."

The cigarette in my hand starts to scorch my skin as I realize I've let it reach past the absorbing mark. I drop it into the ash try and smash it out.

I didn't know it would hurt like this. I didn't know she could hurt me like this.

Everything good that radiated inside of me is now gone. The light that woke me up each morning and encouraged me to push through each day is now dark. I feel as if there is nothing left for me in this world. Why should there be anyways?

"I don't want to do this anymore"

Tears start pouring down my face and I try my hardest to keep them chocked back. Fuck Y/N for coming into my life. Fuck her for making me so goddamned happy that I forgot what heartbreak tasted like. Fuck her for fucks sake for just being her. Mostly fuck me for fucking everything up.

"Stay," I pleaded with her. "Just stay and I'll fix everything." I had never seen her so cold as she turned away from me and got up out of the bed. "Y/N please," I begged her, jumping to my feet and following her around the room as she gathered her things. "Hero, I-I just can't do this anymore."

I fucked up.

I fucked up so bad.

I can feel the bile in the back of my throat threatening to spill from the sour taste my actions have left inside my mouth.

What I did to her was so unforgivable that even the most genuine person on this planet would've left me too. It wasn't meant to happen. It was an accident. It was just one drink too many.

Here I go again. Making excuses.

I drank too much, I smoked too much, she was all over me.

I always come up with the most ridiculous shit. I never own up to my actions and now the consequences are going to kill me.

I reach beside me and grab the bottle of whiskey, letting a giant swig of burning alcohol snake it's way down into my system with one gulp. I stare at the dark bottle as I pull it away from my lips. This shit has ruined me. Why the fuck am I letting it continue to ruin me?

Without thought, I slam the bottom against the hard wood floor and burry my head between my knees. I sob so unconditionally that I can't catch my breath.

It's over.

It actually over.

Y/N's gone and she's not coming back. No matter what I do, she'll never step foot back into my life again.

"I can't do this anymore," her voice lingers in the room. She's still here. I can smell her sweet perfume and hear her echoed laughs. God, will this apartment ever go back to the irrelevancy that it once was before she came into my life?

My heart has been severance from my body and now a vacant hole lives where there was once pride and joy.

I don't think anything will ever fill this void.

Oof, don't kill me. I was sitting here thinking about the post I put on my insta this morning and then this just came out of it. Oops 😬

Hero Fiennes Tiffin IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now