Peanut Butter?

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Hero and I have been cracking jokes all morning. It started off with some gruesome period jokes that he picked up after reading the script for his upcoming film. From there it went to us roasting each other to see who has the thickest skin. Finally, I caved and let him win. If I wouldn't have, there's no telling how long this would've went on.

Laughing, I take a bite of my peanut butter sandwich. Hero walks up beside me and reaches across me to grab a cup from inside the cabinet.

"Want some?" I tease with my mouth full, turning into his side. He smiles and nods down at me.

"Yeah, I want some alright.."

I hand him my sandwich but he just stares at it before proceeding to laugh.

"Well aren't you going to eat it?" I ask, swallowing the food that remains in my mouth. His expression turns into a cold, blank stare. I can't tell what he's thinking and that's not like him.

He sets his empty cup on the counter behind me and I suddenly find myself frozen.

"Gosh (Y/N), do you not understand I'm trying to seduce you because I want to fucking kiss you, not because I want a bite of your dry ass peanut butter sandwich?"

"Are you high?" I question without a second thought. Smooth (Y/N), real fucking smooth.

His face glistens with amusement.

"Nah, I'm not high.."

Leaning forward, he pushes our bodies completely together. My eyes are huge, I feel them as they bug out. My heart is beating so fast that I'm pretty sure he can hear it. I know I can hear it.

"I just really want to kiss you," he adds. "For a really long time now."

I let my sandwich fall onto the counter behind me. My mind doesn't have time to process any of this because before I know it, Hero's lips are pressed against mine. They are soft and warm. A delicate enlightening.

Without hesitation, I kiss him back. Oh sweet Jesus, do I kiss back. I've always thought about kissing Hero. I've had a crush on him since I've known him, but I never would've guessed he wanted to kiss me too.

His hands go straight for the sides of my face, cupping my cheeks, pulling me to him with as much proximity as he can. His tongue doesn't trace my bottom lip like the typical boy does, instead he just goes straight for it. I don't fight him though as he pushes inside my mouth. His mouth explores places inside of mine that has never been felt before.

My arms go up to his neck and my fingers ravel through his hair. I pull slightly on the top where he's let it grow out. He lets out the smallest, most attractive moan that sends vibrations all the way down to my core.

Chills run down my spine as Hero's left hand travels down my waist until he reaches my ass. He lightly smacks it then grabs my bum with burning desire. This time I moan, letting my lips part and suck in a deep breath of lust.

Swiftly, he picks me up and sets me onto the counter. His forehead presses against mine as he smiles at me. I want to say we are both in awe. I've never had a kiss that felt that intense.

His face hovers over me as he says, "I don't want to force you into anything.. and I know this is all like too sudden, but if you don't stop me, I'm going to fuck you right here, right now."

Um, wut?

To say I am left speechless is an understatement. How could such a shy boy turn so.. dominate..

Hero Fiennes-Tiffin, what has gotten into you?

My hands slide their way back up into his hair and I pull his lips back down to mine. Of course I want him, but I can't find the words to express that.

He understand me though and takes my acceptance by placing a couple soft kisses on my lips then ducking down to suck on my neck. He bites down hard, but then soothes over the tender skin with a light lick.

My hands travel down his hard body to the hem of his shirt and I pull it up until I can't pull any more. His warm contact is broken but quickly returns as he yanks it off and tosses it on the floor.

"Are you sure?" he asks, breathing heavily against my mouth. I know he needs me to say it. He would never do something that would make me uncomfortable or push something I wouldn't want to do. This is all so new, but I don't want to stop it. I want more.

Smiling, I roll my eyes and nod. His mouth is so close to mine that the air around us is hard to breathe. My fingertips trace down his chiseled v-line until they reach the button on his dark jeans. As I unzip the zipper and reach my hand inside of his tight boxers, my adrenaline picks up. 

"Will you just fuck me already?"

Needless to say, I don't have to ask twice. 


I was going to make this dirtier, but I'm at work and if I find myself going down that path, my mind imagines me as Ms. Perky, the guidance counselor in 10 things I hate about you and her bratwurst that pulsates with desire. Opps. Give Bry and I some ideas please!  Her and I will write smut together soon, pinkie promise! 

Much love,

Kat & Bry

Hero Fiennes Tiffin IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now