My wife, My child

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"She has your eyes," (Y/N) says, looking up at me.

"But she's gorgeous just like her mom," I say, leaning down and planting a kiss on her cheek.

I hold my daughter tightly, as if someone or something was going to swoop in and take her away. The second she entered this world, I knew I would do anything and I mean any-thing, to keep her out of harms way.

"You should try to sleep for a while babe," I joke, rocking my sweet Amelia in my arms. "Because we both know you won't be getting much from now on."

(Y/N) rolls her eyes at me and shifts herself back in the bed. Her hospital gown is falling off her shoulder. I would try to adjust it, but this adolescent being is fixated to my body and I'm scared I'll hurt her. It feels like she weighs nothing and my biggest fear is dropping her fragile body.

She was so small yet the most incredible being I've ever laid eyes upon.

(Y/N) rolls onto her side and closes her eyes, welcoming sleep instantly after the long night she's had delivering our baby into this world. Her face is still plush from all of the pushing and her hair is a crazy mess. She still is the most beautiful woman in the entire world, even if Amelia is making a tough tie-breaker.

I walk backwards and slowly sit down in the most uncomfortable chair, cradling Amelia tight to my chest. I watch her as she lays completely still in my arms. Her eyes are on me and I radiate a smile to her because honestly, I cant' stop smiling. The sides of her mouth try to coil and she makes a small giggle. I laugh and feel tears of happiness come to surface.

"You know," I begin to whisper to her, "your mum and I have waited a very long time for you. It took a lot of work to get you here."

She continued to glare at me, but she's smiling.

"Yeahhh," I coax, rocking her gently, "mum had a little trouble, but when the time was right we were blessed to find out about you." I said

She doesn't move, she remains so still and her small little smile fades.

"That's enough talking, daddy, I get it," I joke to her as I pick up her small bottle filled with the white powdery liquid, and offer it to her. She gladly takes it and slowly closes her eyes as she drinks. Eventually, she pulls away and falls asleep nestled into my arms.

I wrapped her up in her blanket and decide to attempt the odds by standing to pulls (Y/N)'s blanket up onto her bare skin. Amelia stirs and my heart plummets. I didn't mean to wake her. I decide to pace the room trying to get my daughter to sleep again, lightly rocking her in my arms, watching her make a small yawn and fumbling inside her fitted blanket.

I reach inside and grab her hand that's only small enough to barely wrap around my index finger, and that's exactly what Amelia does. This has be smiling like an idiot.

She holds on tightly as she drifts back to sleep. Once again, I sit down slowly in the most uncomfortable chair.

I look at (Y/N) for a moment, then back to Amelia. Both of the girls in my life are so stinking beautiful.

I am blessed and I don't even understand how I could be so.

My entire world is here in this one room.

My life beginning now.

Everything is going to change and in a good way.


Before we knew it, we were released from the hospital and were home. Both (Y/N) and I are exhausted, (Y/N) more than me, but I was coming in at a close second. But nonetheless, we are home and our journey is just beginning.
I want to give Amelia the entire world. I want her to have everything she could ever dream of and more, but isn't that what dad's do? Spoil her and make sure she knows she's loved? For every moment of everyday for the rest of our lives?

"Babe, let me have her for a minute. I need to bathe her and feed her," (Y/N) says. Even though I don't want to give her up just yet, I slid her carefully into (Y/N)'s arms.

"I'll help you," I tell her and she smiles. We carefully walk up the stairs together to Amelia's room that we've been preparing for months.

It luminates colors of cream and peach because we couldn't decide what colors to do. We can always add to the walls, but it's more challenging to take away. Amelia of course could probably care less, but nonetheless she'll always be pampered even if she doesn't know it yet.

"Baby, you wanna grab her things? Her clothes, and stuff?" (Y/N) asks me as she heads towards the bathroom. I jump at the opportunity to help her and go into her closet. This little diva already has more clothes than me, and as I look through the racks, everything already is sorted to a complete outfit. Of course (Y/N) is THAT mom. I should've known considering all the time she's spent up here in recent weeks.

"What about this?" I ask showing her a small onesie with baby foxes all over it that doesn't seem too outrageous in the fashion sense.

"That's perfect," she tells me. I grab a tiny diaper from the box and a towel from the cabniet.

(Y/N) fills the tiny bathtub, and I mean tiny bathtub, with the correct temperature water.

She carefully undresses her and lays her gently in the water.

Amelia didn't seem so keen on the idea at first, squinting and furrowing her brow, but becomes used to the sensation after a small amount of time.

I watch as (Y/N) bathes her and eventually with her small amount of hair, thin and slicked back, (Y/N) brings her out of the water and we wrap her into a small burrito.

(Y/N) hands her to me and I hold her close and we walk back into her room, unwrapping her and changing her into her arranged onesie.

Once she is buttoned up she begins to yawn.

What a small careless life to live.

"Let me feed her before she goes back to sleep," (Y/N) tells me. She rocks calmly in the rocking chair in the corner of the room and Amelia drinks as much of her liquid nutrition as she can.

"Alright, I think she'd just about ready for her first night at home," my wife tells me. God, that's something blissful to think about. My wife and my child, home together for our first night as a family.

"Go to bed, I'll put her down." I tell her, taking her out of her arms and kissing (Y/N)'s forehead.

She smiles at me and leans up, kissing me on my lips before standing up to head off to bed.

I lay Amelia down in her crib and she stares at me for a few moments. I stare right back.

"You don't know just how much I love you," I whisper to her. Her eyes blink a few time as slumber takes her. She is such a gorgeous baby, but she's even more so asleep.

I dread leaving her side, but sleep calling my name. Even if it's only five minutes before she decides to wake up, i'mma take it.

"I seriously love you little one, so much." I say, leaning over and kissing her tiny head. My body aches to snatch her back up into my arms and take her into our room with us, but I know she needs a little rest alone too.

I quietly walk out of her room and turn right, directly into our room and fall into bed beside (Y/N) without even attempting to shower. After a moment, I turn and pull (Y/N) in to my arms, cradling her as well, but from behind. I kiss her head, but then adrenaline takes over me. I kiss her cheek, and then her jaw. Before I'm aware, I'm sucking sweet nips along her neck. I owe this woman my life considering she just made mine worth living.

"I love you, "daddy," she chuckles at me, her eyes still closed, but a devious grin upon her lips.

"You already wanna make another baby?" I ask, tearing my lips away from her hot flesh. She turns into me, angling her lips for me to lean down and kiss. I grant her wish. The slow charismatic bond that we now share is evident in her touch. She reaches up and slowly brushes her hand into my hair, traveling down and smoothly dances her fingertips across my face.

"Maybe tomorrow. Mommy's tired," she tells me. I smile at her and then nuzzle into her, planting a quick kiss upon her lips before hand. I wrap my arms tight around her and her body grows heavy, indicating she's fast asleep. I hear a small yawn through the baby monitor and I look up at the screen placed on (Y/N)'s side of the bed. Amelia yawns again, but stays asleep. My two girls, an incredible delight.

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