"Welcome to my favorite place" Part 2

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My palms go moist. It's an erotic feelings. My heart has been set on one thing since the beginning; him and now I know he wants me too.

His words have never felt this intimidating. I wanted to hear more, feel more, and now I want to see more.

I shiver as a chill runs up my spine. It's been a long time since I've felt so vulnerable.

"You're the least scariest thing in this room," I say, nudging his shoulder.

"You have no idea," he charms as his smile grows. I want to know exactly what he is thinking inside of his brain. Does it involve me? And everything his long, delicate finger can do to me?

"My dad would never approve of me being on a date with someone so dangerous," I smirk.

My words catch in my mouth because I become too aware of his hand rising up my under dress slightly on my thigh. His thumb traces a small circle on my bare skin. I want to reach for his arm to stop him, but my body is experiencing too much pleasure with something so little.

I've never felt anything close this desire before. I'm a virgin. I mean I've fooled around and have been horny multiple times, but this doesn't come close.

His fingers keep trailing up and i suck in a sharp breath. Children's laughter invaded the empty halls. I now remember we're in public.

I look at him and melt at the way his pupils are dilated in lust.

I'd gotten a small taste and now I want more.

"Take me home?" I ask as calm as I can manage. He nods, giving me me a small smile. The smile that sends butterflies to my core.

He takes my hand and leads me back the way we came in. Our hands are intertwined and he keeps running his thumb up my hand in simple action.

As we both get into his car I feel my body heating up. Maybe it's because his hand begins resting on my exposed skin that was driving me wild on the inside or the desperation that fills the air. All I know is I need his hand to keep going up.

I have always been so good. My reputation is good, I am the good girl, the girl next door. I have never been in trouble and I've never thought about wanting to fuck someone in the parking lot of an aquarium. Hero always tells he loves the innocence I vain, but I've always wondered what that other side is. I want to do bad things.

Without second guessing or having hesitation, like I've had my entire life, I reach over the center console and place my hand on his lap, feeling him through his jeans.

He looks at my hand, at my actions, then back to me. His lips slightly agape. He is  definitely caught off guard, but he doesn't stop me.

He presses the lever underneath his seat and his entire seat moved as far back as it allows, his lean legs stretching out. He reaches for my arms and pulls me to him.

I take his invitation and find comfort in his lap.

My dress is now well above my thighs as the material rises up. Both of his hands slide up and down.  His lips press to mine then he retreats, allowing them to move to my neck then all the way up to behind my ear.

"What would your father say again?" his wet lips part against my warm flesh.

"I'm an angel," I giggle.

"Not after tonight," he instantly barks, letting his tongue slide all the way back up to my lips. He tangled his hands in my hair and pulls. I yelp.

"I'll be your angel," I breathe.

His hand finds its way to the edge of my dress, pulling it over my head, leaving me in my undergarments which press tightly against his hard crotch.

Thank god I wore cute panties.

"This angel has fallen straight from heaven and into my lap, wearing red panties." The seduction that plays on his lips make me cry in bliss.

I pull him to me by the short stands of his hair. I kiss him hard enough to shut him up.

He laughs on my lips. I can feel his fingernails beginning to dig into my back, holding me like he was afraid to lose me.

Maybe it's me who's actually afraid to lose him.

I unbutton his shirt, revealing his toned chest and soft, fresh scented skin. He sprayed an extra spritz of cologne on tonight, just for me. He know it drives me crazy.

Running my fingers along his chest, instant panic strikes me. It's so possible this incredible human being in front of me might lose interest in me. I might not be good enough for him.

"Hey" he says, catching my attention and forcing me to look at him, his hands on my face.

"We can stop." He searches my eyes, looking for some kind of explanation.

"No, I just wanna remember every little detail about you." I chokes.

His finger trail down my face, to my neck, and just below my collarbone, landing on a small birthmark.

"This is one I will always remember...because I've looked at it everyday, hoping that I can come back in another lifetime as this spot right here." He leans forward and places a tiny kiss. "It would mean I'd get to be on your body every second of every day until you die. Forever and ever."

I was almost confused by his words but then they sink in. That's actually super cute.

I lay my finger on a small scar on his right shoulder. A result of an intense pillow fight, that turned into a small emergency. He learned I always my win my battles though.

"That one I'll always remember you by."

He rolls his eyes and I lean up to kiss him again. I want to savor every moment I have with him in every way possible.

"I love you (Y/N)." He says into my mouth.

"I love you Hero."

Thank you all for reading loves! We'll get a little dirty in a different imagine 😉 opps.

Much love,
Kat & Bry
Katianna ❤️

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