Chapter 71 - You're Mine, and I'm Yours

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(the end of chapter 70 has been updated)







My breath hiked up a level and my eyes were wide as I stared at him. I frowned and turned to the drip, "W-What about the others? Nikki? Derek? Sebsatian?" I questioned and then I gasped, "oh, no, what happened to Nila?" She didn't like me, no, she hated me, loathed me even. But she was human, like me, and had been in love with a psychotic vampire that didn't love her back.

"Nila was the one who helped us into the palace," Jacob told me.

My eyebrows raised, "Really? She betrayed him like that?" Even though Nila had done his dirty work of making me drink that potion after accusing me of stealing her man. But good for her, she may have gotten over him, then...

Jacob nodded but he seemed distraught, "After she helped us and found out we killed him... She killed herself..."

Never mind. "She did?" I repeated with horror.

"She told me, that without Cade she wasn't worth living anymore... I tried to stop her, to tell her he wasn't worth it, but it was too late. She had set the room on fire and locked the doors, she burned to death in the room we killed Cade."

"Oh," was all I managed to say. I guess, her love really was eternal. It's too bad it was never returned.

"What about...Davis?" I asked, remembering he had been under a spell of mind control and brainwashing. I mean, I knew we hadn't been precisely "friends," and all but I knew he was a really nice guy before and it wasn't his fault all this happened.

"We couldn't save him," Jacob said briskly, "he died in the fire."


My mouth feel in shock, "What?" I asked. Jacob nodded and I huddled to myself a bit. My mouth fell numb. He couldn't be dead...could he? It seemed almost impossible and there was a voice behind my head that told me it was my fault.


"What about Nikki?" I found myself wondering what her demise had been though my mind was still on poor Davis who got caught in the middle.


"After she saved you-"


You Make Me Crazy - Twilight Fanfic (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now