Chapter 15- The Hotel... Again

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Niall's POV

Kari falls asleep again, we drop April off and head back to the hotel. She's still asleep when we get to the hotel so I pick her up.

"Harry, can ya get our stuff and bring it to me room?" I ask. I can't carry it because I have Kari in my arms.

"Sure," Harry says, grabbing our stuff and following me. Kari moves slightly, wrapping her arms around my neck and snuggling into me. I'm not even halfway across the parking lot when I realize that there are fans everywhere, blocking the door to the hotel. Paul has his phone out, probably calling security to come get us. That's when I remember that I have Kari in my arms and that the fans might not like that, I turn to Harry.

"I have to go get Paul, the fans won't like me having Kari in me arms and I don't want her to get hurt," I say to Harry. He nods and I run over to Paul. Paul looks at me funny.

"Paul, I need ya to protect Kari, I don't want her to get hurt and I know the fans won't like her being in me arms. Will ya gaurd us so that they can't hurt her?" I ask him.

"Do you want me to take her? It might be easier," Paul says. I shake my head.

"No, I want to carry her. I just don't want the fans to hurt her and I have a feeling that she wouldn't let me give her to ya if I tried to," I say, looking down at her. She looks really happy, I smile and look back up at Paul.

"Alright, I'll gaurd you as much as I can," Paul says.

"In case ya were wondering, Harry's back there, he has our stuff," I say, turning and pointing at Harry walking over to us. He walks up to us.

"So, what's the plan?" He asks.

"Security is going to come get us," Paul says. I turn back towards the girls and see that they're running towards us.

"Uh, Paul, I really hope they come soon," I say.

"Why?" Paul says. I point towards the girls. He turns around.

"Oh... well in the time being why don't we just go back to the car?" Paul says, pushing all of us back in the direction of the car. We all run towards the car and get back in, shutting the windows and doors. I set Kari down next to me on the seat. The girls rush up to the car and surround it. They're all screaming at the top of their lungs, Kari wakes up from the loudness of them.

"What's going on?" She asks, rubbing her eyes and putting her arms around me.

"We're at the hotel and we're surrounded by screaming fans," I answer. She looks like she's thinking and then she turns to me.

"Let me try to talk to them," She says, pushing her way to the front of the car. She rolls the window down just enough so that the fans can hear her. She clears her throat.

"EVERYBODY SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screams, louder than any of the fans. They all shut up.

"Thank you, The only way that you will get to see them is if you don't try to kill them with love and stop screaming, is that clear?" She says.

"Yes," All the fans reply.

"Okay, now promise me that you won't freak out when I roll down the window," She says.

"We promise," They all reply. She rolls down the window and smiles at them. They all look pretty surprised.

"Hello everyone, I'm Kari," She says to them. None of them say anything, they just stand there in shock. She looks back at me.

"Should I come to the front?" I ask her.

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