Chapter 9- The Hotel Room and The Pool

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I shut the door. Niall turned to me.

"So, do you think you can deal with them for another month and a half?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I love them, they're so funny," I said, giggling.

"Good, because by the time the tours over you'll probably be like their new sister," Niall said, smiling.

"Isn't Louis really protective of his sisters?" I asked.

"Yeah, he'll probably be super protective of you," Niall said. We were at the door to the room, I took out the key. We walked in, Niall noticed I had a huge smile on my face.

"What're you smiling about?" He asked as he poked my side.

"You said Louis will be protective of me, I like the thought of being protected," I said, cuddling into his chest. "Do you want to know why I always bury my face in your chest?"

"Yeah, Kinda"

"I do it because it makes me feel safe. I don't like just standing without touching anything because I feel like I'll fall over," I said.

"It's okay, I won't let you fall," Niall said. I smiled. I let go of him and went to find my swimsuit. I found it right away and went into the bathroom to change. By the time I came out all the food was gone.

"Who ate all the food?" I said. "Wait, never mind that was a stupid question," I said, throwing my towel at Niall. "Go put your swimsuit on," I said, texting Zayn.

To: Zayn

Hey, Can Niall and I come to your room to hangout until we head down to the pool?

Not even a minute later he answered.

From: Zayn

Yeah, I guess, I'm just getting ready anyways, text me when you get here.

To: Zayn

Thanks Zayn :) I was kind of scared to go back to Harry's and Louis' room. I don't really want to see Harry naked...

From: Zayn

I understand :)

"Who're you texting?" Niall asked as he walked back into the room with his swimsuit on.

"Zayn, we're gonna go hangout with him until it's time to go to the pool," I told him.

"Alright, I'm ready" We walked down to his room and knocked on the door.

"One minute!" He yelled. He was probably doing his hair. He opened the door, I looked him straight in the eyes and then ran in before he could even say 'Hi'. Niall and Zayn turned to face me as I jumped onto the bed. We had about 5 minutes until we needed to head down to the pool.

"You're bed is soooooo bouncy!" I yelled, I knew I was hyper again. I loved it when I was hyper because I became more outgoing and less awkward.

"Uh, Thanks I guess," Zayn said, still standing in the doorway. I made a high pitched noise that sounded like I was saying 'e'.

"What was that?" Zayn and Niall asked.

"I do that when I'm super happy or hyper, or both," I said, jumping around and dancing.

"Okayyyyy," They both said, looking at me funny.

"Don't judge me, I don't take my medicine in the summer," I said.

"What do you have?"

"ADHD," I said, smiling and jumping back on the bed. I realized Zayn wasn't wearing his swimsuit. "Go put your swimsuit on!" I yelled. "You are coming to the pool with us whether you like it or not!"

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