I'm Your What??

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1.2k Tumblr notifications, 2.2k YouTube followers, 2.5k Twitter followers, 2.7k Instagram followers. You see, I’m a YouTuber. I post song covers, do tag videos, do a little humor, mess around with Toby on his stupid boy games, so, yeah, I’m universal.

“Tobz,” I say into the laptop, and his face pops up on the screen.

“Yellow?” he says smiling, “Hey, Paige.”

“What’s up, bro?”

He laughs, “We’ve really got to work on the whole ‘bro’ thing with you.” His hair is messy and he has a tee shirt with cartoon French fries on them. I shake my head, not only that, but he also has a half-eaten sandwich next to him.

I roll my eyes, “But either way, I can still beat you at virtually any game we play, and people love it when I sing.” I flip my hair, pretending to act cocky.

“Psh, people love my singing!” He says. I can see he’s playing a game in addition to talking to me.

I laugh, “People between the ages of 8 and 13.”

“Hold up, I’m gonna add Felix to this,” he says, fiddling with some buttons on his laptop and then adjusting his headset, “Felix, bro!”

Felix, better known as PewDiePie, also appears on my screen, “Hey, bro, hey Paige.”

Toby smirks at me, “That is how you say ‘bro’.”

“Yeah, whatever.” I say, moving a few of my tabs so that I can multitask reading all my asks and song requests.

“So you’re still down for GTA 5 tonight, right Felix?”

“Yeah, I was just finishing up Batman: Arkham Origins.”

“I beat it already,” I note, laughing at the face that he gives me.

“On the New Game Plus?”

“Yep, and the one after that. It took a few tries, but I did it.”

Felix pouts while Toby laughs, “You got owned by a teenage girl, man.”

“Hey, this teenage girl is a boss, okay?” I say almost automatically. It’s become like my catch phrase with these two. But before you judge me, I’m not entirely a tomboy. I do ‘girly stuff’, too. Bethany Mota is one of my closest friends.

I pull up another tab, going on YouTube and playing my usual playlist, Disney music.

“Oh, gosh,” Felix says, “we’ve interrupted Paige on her journey back to her childhood days.”

“Shut up,” I mutter, “Disney is a classic.” I giggle as the both of them mutter the words to Whole New World along with me.

“Hey, I’ve got to go clean or something, I’ll talk to you later.” Toby speaks finally.

“Kay.” Felix mutters, while I oblige with a simple “Bye.”

“So Felix how’s Marzia?” I ask, being polite. Honestly, Felix is one of my weird crushes.

“She’s supposed to be coming over in a few…” he says absently.

Just then, his doorbell rings, “There she is.” he says, no doubt taking his time in defeating the villain on screen before pausing the game to answer the door. He momentarily goes off screen and I smirk as I hear a female voice that I recognize as Marzia’s.

He comes back on after about 30 seconds, “Hey Marzi.” I say loud enough that she can hear me.

She smiles and waves, preoccupied with removing her shoes.

Reflection: Adopted by Fifth HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now