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Silver Siren

I walk through the airport wearing grey chino pants, a black turtle neck and a long black trench coat to keep myself warm in the plane. I style my blonde hair in a man bun and wear a hat over it along with a thin black round non-prescription pair of glasses, so that no one can recognize me as Drake Lance. As I walk around the airport past security, I roll my carry on looking for my gate.

I look around me always checking behind my shoulder knowing that Joe Wilson won't let me off his leash this easy. No one actually ever lets me off their leash this easy, ever. It's one of the things I've learned over time when joining groups. The only way to leave something behind, is to die.

I'm on my own. Solo. No one to help me.

I begin to get nervous being in the public as everyone stares at me and I can't tell if they're Joe's men or people noticing that I look like my doppelgänger. I notice an older man starring directly at me and he looks away to a newspaper stand when I catch him. I look around for a place to hide in as Joe's men are not afraid to make a scene. If they make a scene, I'm trapped here in Star City during Joe's plan, and I'm not in the mood for that. I have an Earth to be at.

I find a bathroom and head into it to find it awkwardly empty. I lay my luggage against the wall and go to wash my hands to buy myself some time until boarding begins for my flight. I look at myself in the mirror and take my hat off fixing my hair. I hear a stall behind me open and then I get pushed against the mirror and thrown against the wall.

"You tricked us." Drake growls as he presses his arm against my throat choking me out. Drake looks wet still from last night and he has a horrible stench to himself.

"And clearly you don't know what a shower is." I mock him again and he's not having it as he's completely angered. I stay calm as he won't do anything to me, I could hurt him but that would do me no good. There's no use for me to waste my energy on fighting him anyways, unless it benefits me.

"You're scared of him aren't you?" Drake reads me and he's right. I ditched the opportunity of a lifetime.

"If you knew what he was capable of and what he has done to get here, to this very moment, you'd be too." I tell him and he looks at me confused and lets me go. I touch my throat as it's sore from Drake's hold. "I knew you'd come back for me." I tell him as Drake wasn't going to let me go either free.

"Start talking Silver." He says and I continue to lean against the wall.

"Joe is going to isolate the city, in about 12 hours exact. He's going to flip your entire city upside down and drive your people crazy by starving them. 5 months later..." I pause and create an explosion with my hands. "Boom." Drake looks at me shocked as he's worried that he doesn't have the time neither the people to gather up and stop Joe Wilson. He's all alone.

"Everything is changing little bird... The whole point of Pandora's box is that once you've opened it, you can't close it again." I refer to him killing Ra's Al Ghul and Oliver Queen's countless mistakes with the League of Assassins. "You can't stop what's coming. A lot of people are going to be killed, and there won't be a damn thing that anyone, even you can do about it."

"Is that why you're leaving now?" He asks me and I shake my head shrugging my shoulder as that is not the exact reason.

"It's on the list." I say and show him my ticket. "Anyways, I have a flight to catch." I tell him and walk past him as he's in shock from what he's heard from me. He quickly grabs on to my wrist and cuffs me and I get confused. I look at my cuffs as I realize he's cuffed also.

"No, WE have flights to catch." He corrects me and I chuckle as he wants my help. He still believes in me, still is willing to trust me and it confuses me. I wouldn't trust someone like me, I'd kill that someone if I had the chance.

"Alright Canary." I say as he'll take me out of the city either way. Maybe even reward me with my ticket back home. "Where are we going?" I ask and as he's distracted I take the cuff off my wrist as I'm a pro of escaping things.

"To find Slade Wilson." He says and I scoff as he's got to be kidding with me.

"No one knows where he is." I tell him, as he probably thinks a miracle is going to show him where he is.

"No one but me." He says giving me a ticket and I read the airport destination. Tokyo. Maybe he does know where he is.

"Then what are we waiting for?" I say showing my free wrist in front of his face and walk towards my luggage. Drake sighs and we both walk out together from the bathroom. We fly out in Drake's private luxury jet where he finally showers and I take a breather, relaxing as this adventure will be fun.

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