1. The Meet

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It was Saturday morning, Sanem was sleeping in her parents store since the night before she had a fight with her parents because she hasn't found a job and they are forcing her to marry Musaffer She couldn't stay at Ayhan's house because Ayhan wasn't home, she went to visit an aunt who she hasn't seen in years. So, seems she had no other choice but to stay at her parent's store. The smoke woke her up, when she realizes the store was on fire and she was inside and was not able to get out. Everyone was gathering outside, hoping no one was inside, then Nihat, Mevkibe, and Leyla came running and started to scream Sanem's same. Everyone noticed she was in there.

Neighbors were throwing water at the store, hoping they can help it turn it off. The firefighters arrived, and while two fire fighters were pouring water the 3rd firefighter went in and search for Sanem, he found her laying on the floor passed out from the smoke. He grabs the other mask he had with him, puts it on her and carries her in his big muscular arms.

When sanem came out she was still unconscious, he took her and his masks off and started to do CPR on her. At that moment her smell got to him, it remined him of a young girl he bumped into while at a club in Istanbul a year ago. It was so dark he couldn't see her face, but when they bump, they kissed accidently, and he got her sent; at that moment she put her head down shyly and walked away.

He has been looking for her for a year, he was been searching in every woman he has walked by, every woman he has slept with, every woman that has been near for the past year; and he finally found her. When Sanem open her eyes, she thought she was in heaven. She saw a very beautiful, perfect face, amazing beard man, with deep brown eyes looking at her and asking her if she can hear him.

"Sanem" Can said "Sanem, can you hear me?" Can repeated himself again.

"Yes" she said in a very soft voice, coughing out from the smoke.

"She's ok" Can told everyone.

Samen's family came running to her, suffocating her. "just give her a little space, but I think she will be ok" said Can

"The ambulance will take you to the hospital, just to make sure you are ok." Samen nodded in response with an oxygen mask on her mouth. Samen couldn't response. Two things were going through her head. One, what happen and how did it happen. Two who is this gorgeous man, being close to him brought her a sensation that she couldn't understand. She hates men, and he brought her a feeling that she was just too much for her, it's like she knew him since a hundred years ago. She was very confused, she just though it was because she wasn't feeling too well due to the smoke. But seeing him, was also a thing that wasn't helping at all.

Sanem left in the ambulance, and her sister and mom were right behind in a taxi. Her father had to stay behind waiting for the fire fighters to finish searching for results, he told them he would catch up as soon as his done with them. Can came to Nihat Bey and told him that the source of the fire was Sanem's cell phone charger and there was a spark inside the wall and that's how the fire started. Nihat Bey was a little upset about it, but he was more worried about his daughter.

Right before the fire fighters waere going to leave Nihat Bey him what was his name, and he said Can. "Can?

"No, that doesn't ring a bell" Nihat bey said with a questionable face. "Do you live here" Nihat Bey kept asking.

"Yok bey, I don't leave around this are. Why the questions?"

"Son, because I have seen you face somewhere. But I don't remember from where." Nihat responded.

Can was in shock, though he didn't show it to Nihat, he just smiled and said "well, I guess I have one of those faces". He knew Nihat bey must of seen him in a magazine or something along the way. Specially him owning a mağaza.

Nihat bey, thank him and shock his hand for saving his daughter, and looked at the store and said with a worried face "Now, how am I going to save you?"

Can, heard what Nihat said, and told him to not worry, that everything will be ok. And somehow things will get back to in place. Nihat smile, and at his moment. A taxi was passing by at the street that was connecting with his store street. He said bye to Can and the other firefighters and left to the hospital.

At the hospital:

Sanem was ok, X-rays came back normal she was able to go home tomorrow. The doctor's wanted her to stay one night, just in case, even though everything showed she was ok, but she did inhale a good amount of smoke.

"Anne, who was he?" Samen ask her mom

"Who, honey?"

"The guy that was with me when I woke up"

"Ohhh, he is the firefighter that took you out of the store, thank you Allah for him or else I don't know what it would of happen."

Sanem responded with a smile on her face. She was amazed of how beautiful this man was, and all the feeling he made her feel. But at the same time, she felt disgusted that he touched her, more than touch it was that he carried her. Her father got to the hospital and updated everyone on what happen. Sanem felt bad and started to say sorry to her parents for what had happen. Nihat explain to her that it wasn't her fault, it was an electrical problem, that it could of happen to anyone. Sanem convinced her parents of going home, and Leila was going to stay at the hospital with her for the night.

At Can's house

After a long day at work Can got home, he was the oldest son of a million air and was not interested at all in his dad's company. Can was a Professional photographer, and a volunteer firefighter. He walked into his room, took his cloth off and got in the shower.

While he was in the shower, he started to think "I found her! I can't believe I actually found her" Can said with excitement.

He got out of the shower and while he was getting dress he was wondering if he should go to the hospital to see how she was doing. "No, I can call. But they won't give me information about her on the phone. Yes, they will give me information, if I just say I'm part of the team that took her to the hospital and that I was calling to see how she was doing, so I can finish my paperwork. But, no; I want to see her, I want to make sure she is ok. Yes! I better go" Can, though to himself. Can grab his keys, wallet and walked out the door.

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The Meet (✅ #2 EDITING) (6/12/19 - 3/5/20)Where stories live. Discover now