Chapter 23

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"I love you Sammie." I said quietly. I stood up and started to walk out when I froze up and felt tears run down my face as I heard his voice, Soft and quiet.

"Eric?" Sammie asked.


(Eric's P.O.V)

I turned around slowly to see Sammie looking at me with his green eyes I walked over to him and he tried to sit up but I stopped him and laid him back down.

"N-no Sammie don't get up." I said feeling the tears still streaming down my face as I held his hand. I felt him hold mine back and I felt my heart beat fast. I hit the "Call nurse" Button and before long nurses and doctors ran back in and then helped Sammie get unhooked from plus and all.

"He will be ready to leave the hospital in 2 weeks." The nurse said to me and I needed to her. She let me spend the night and I called and told Eliza before she left. Of course she came up to meet him.

"Sam! Hi! I'm Eliza I'm a nurse here also Eric's friend slash roommate!" She said smiling and shook his hand.

"I'm Sam." He said shaking her hand back.

"It was lovely meeting you! I have to go just wanted to say hi and introduce myself!" She said.

"It was a pleasure meeting you as well." He said. He was so polite.

"Ok bye now!" Eliza said walking out.

"Bye!" Sam said, he was still kind of weak and his voice wasn't very loud.

Sammie and I stayed up most of the night talking. I caught him up on everything. He smiled when I said Olivia and I where officially over.


(Sam's P.O.V)

"Hey Eric." I said looking at our hands.

"Yeah?" He looked at me and I smiled a little.

"Why don't you let anyone call me Sammie?" I asked.

"What do you mean? I let your friends." Eric said smiling. I giggled a little.

"They call me Sammie bear but Sam in person." I said looking in his eyes.

"You're my baby and Sammie fits you." He said. He kissed my forehead. I yawned.

"For being in a coma i'm tired." I said. Eric laughed a little.

"Get some sleep." Eric said.

"I will. I love you." I said

"I love you too my prince." He said. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


[2 weeks later]


(Eric's P.O.V)

It was the day Sammie was getting out of the hospital and today was the day.

I texted Eliza.

[Eric]- Ready?

[Eliza]- Ready!

[Eric]- On our way!

I looked at Sammie when the nurses where helping him. Larry had picked us up and took us to the house. I saw Sammie's eyes widen at the size of the house and I couldn't help but smile. We got out and entered the house and we turned on the lights and everyone jumped out and yelled surprise. I didn't even recognize some of the people there.

Lynn and Madison where there and they talked and Sammie even made friends with Andy. Eliza was so happy with that and he was even added to there group chat and named him "Andy- Candy"

Everyone talked for a little and I made a new friend. Jessica, She was sweet the whole. I think Olivia even found her new pray. Andrew was laughing with Larry and kissed him a few times. Eliza seems really cool with it considering she ended it.

I pulled Sammie aside after everyone was gone and pulled him to the garden. He looked around and was in aww with the beautiful plants and we headed to the gazebo that was decorated with lights and we walked inside and sat down I held my hand out and he held it. I looked at him and felt tears run down my face.

"What's Wrong?" Sammie said wiping my tears away. I placed my hand on his that was touching my cheek.

"Sammie, I love you more than anything in the world." I told him.

"I love you too Eric." He smiled at me.

"I don't regret the store. I regret letting Olivia hurt you like that. The thought of losing you scared me, Seeing you with Danny Broke my heart. You're my world." I said.

"Sammie..." I said quietly after a small moment of silence. He looked a little worried.

"Yes?" He said.

I got up still holding his hand. I got a small box out of my pocket and got on one knee in front of him. And I looked at him while opening the box. His eyes got wide and started to tear up while his hand was moving to his mouth.

"Will you marry me?" I asked him. My heart was pounding and I watched the tears stream down his face.

"YES!" He finally said at last. Before I knew it he was in my arms. We where on the ground hugging We heard screaming and I looked towards the window of the house where Eliza stood there frozen and Larry and Andrew where looking through the window as well.

She smiled and gave a thumbs up and went back but looked through the curtains back at us not long after.

"Looks like we had an audience." Sammie said smiling.

"Seems so." I said laughing.


Hello my Lovely people! How are you all?

What did y'all think?

I Love you allllllll!



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