chapter 4

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The party was long and boring but kinda fun when the girls asked about what I do for a living.

"Oh in my spare time I play video games and dress like a girl!" is what I would have said if I wanted them to hate me and where weirded out when they come over.

But they like me and aren't weirded out soooo...

"Sammie! What do you do for a living!?" Mrs. Park said.

"Well... I play video games, and i'm still in school, I haven't gotten a job yet though." I said.

"Oh that's wonderful! Stay young you'll regret it. if you grow up!" Mrs. Park said once again.

I just smiled and nodded. Mrs. Park is weird, She's not being weird now but she can get into weird things. Like once she accused our neighbors of being devil worshipers there the ones who used to live in Eric's house. But I was inside that house once and there where all crosses and christian things and what not. They where NOT devil worshipers, I personally don't know what I believe anyways off topic.

Everyone left after the party. Well everyone except Eric... Mom was passed out on the couch it was dark outside so I don't blame her. Eric turned to look at me after tucking my mom in.

"What..." I said hesitantly.

"I'm sorry you had to find out that way and i'm sorry for what I did in the bathroom." He said looking upset a little but shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Do you do that to any guy who's younger than you?" I smirked a little being sarcastic. He looked up at me and tilted his head.

"You can't be that young! How young? You look 4." He laughed.

"I do not! I'm 17!" I said pouting. He walked up to me and tilted my head up to look at him.

"I know." He whispered. I felt my face grow hot with embarrassment.

"May I stay in the guest room?" Eric asked me.

"Uh.. sure..." I said and lead him upstairs to the room. Which is right next to mine. He peaked into my room and I saw his eyes widen.

"You have Fortnite?" He asked me.

"U-uh yes..." I replied.

"I just played it today! Do you want my phone number maybe we can play it together sometime." He said with a smile. This guy plays Fortnite? Jeez, He looks like a business man. I mean... he is but eh...

"Uh sure..." I pulled out my phone and gave it too him and he put his number in. I felt awkward.

"My username is Sac25sac." He said. My eyes widened.

"NO WAY! YOU KILLED ME BEFORE YOU GOT HERE!" I said yelling a little. He put his hand over my mouth and a finger to his lip telling me to be quiet.

"Oh yes." I looked at my phone. 12 O'clock. It's midnight.

"I should go to bed" I said again.

"Aright goodnight." He winked and walked to the guest room and closed the door. I did the same, But instead I laid down and couldn't get any sleep, My mind was thinking of Eric...

My moms boyfriend.

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