chapter 14

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SMUT WARNING! (slightly more detailed than the others XD)


I woke up and looked up at the alarm clock. 10:20 am... Nice woke up late when did i even go to bed?

I went to get up but felt a big comfy pair of arms wrapped around me pulling me back down and closer to a body that appears to have no shirt.... or pants on...

I struggle to turn around but once I do I see Eric looking me with hair covering his head. I Feel my face grow hot.

Think... How did I get here? What happened after dinner?


A few hours ago.

"These where gifts from me to you." Eric said. I stared at the clothes known as a bib and felt my face completely red. I looked up at him until he leaned in for a kiss I froze I didn't know what to do.

My heart was beating, fast. My stomach growled of hunger. My mind gone blank. We sat there for a minute or two until he pulled away and sat down in his chair.

"Eat up little one. Your food will grow cold." Eric smiled at me.

I took a bite of my steak trying to hide my red tomato face.

"Look at me little one." Eric said after we had finished dinner. I looked over at him knowing food was all over my face.

"I-I made a mess..." I said shyly.

Eric got up and grabbed a napkin and cleaned my face off.

"I know little one." Eric replied smiling picking me up and taking me to the bathroom. He slowly opened the door showing a lightly dimmed room with bubbles in the bath with candles and roses around the room. My eyes lit up and then I spotted a rubber ducky in the bath. I squealed not realizing we where soon both stripped into nothing. He got in and I followed and sat on his lap playing with the duck soon.

I winced and let out a small moan as I felt Eric's shaft enter in my backside.

I felt his hands move to my sides moving around the warm water hitting my skin. He moved me slowly up and down. I felt him passionately kiss my neck. I let out soft moans as I moved with his hands feeling It inside me every inch hitting me. The warm feeling of pleasure running over me.

He moved me faster and faster until water poured from the side of the tub.


An hour later

It was dark outside and I laied in bed as Eric cleaned the bathroom. I couldn't find any clean clothes so I was still naked.

Eric came in and looked at me while I peeked out at him from under the blankets giggling.

He went to the closet and pulled out a box wrapped up in pink wrapping paper.

"My prince?" Eric said softly.

"Yes daddy?" I said Excitingly sitting up from bed.

"I have one more gift for you." He said making me smile bigger.

"OOOOO What is it?" I giggled sitting up from bed. He handed me the box and I opened it and stared at the object in the box.Eric took the tiara out of the box and placed it on my head.

"Who's daddy's princess?" He asked me smiling. I pointed to myself and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you daddy!" I smiled. He got in bed with me as i put the tiara on the nightstand next to me so I wouldn't break it.

So responsible!

I drifted to sleep fast


10:20 am

I went to get up but felt a big comfy pair of arms wrapped around me pulling me back down and closer to a body that appears to have no shirt.... or pants on...

I struggle to turn around but once I do I see Eric looking me with hair covering his head. I Feel my face grow hot.

"H-how...?" I stopped in my tracks getting lost in my thoughts remembering what had happened. I buried my face in his chest growing hotter by the second.

I felt him pull me up and I looked at him. He placed the tiara on my head.

"My beautiful feminine prince." He said.

"Princess." I corrected him.

My phone buzzed and I checked it.

His phone did as well and he did the same.

[Danny]- Hey I'm on my way over... we got to talk...

I looked at Eric and he looked back at me with a terrified expression and showed me his phone.

[Honey]- I'm on my way home! Coming home early! Love you XOXO miss you bunches!

We looked at each other in horror and jumped out of bed.


Finally i'm back to writing XD So much has happened and iv'e had this idea in my head for a while XD

Love you all I swear! <3 I'll write soon I promise!

What do you think?

What do you think Danny needs to talk to Sammie about?



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